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Nobuoka, Jakob
Publications (6 of 6) Show all publications
Cronhjort, M., Nobuoka, J., Ängskog, P., Haga, A. & Mårtensson, G. (2022). Efforts to improve attractiveness of lower level engineering education (concept). In: SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings: . Paper presented at 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2022, 19-22 September 2022, Barcelona (pp. 1104-1112).
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2022 (English)In: SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings, 2022, p. 1104-1112Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

There are nine study programmes awarding the degree bachelor in engineering (högskoleingenjör) at the University of Gävle. Some of these have only a few applicants, even though the graduates are appreciated by a relatively large regional primary and secondary sector industry. A major revision of the programmes is planned. One objective is to increase the attractiveness of the programmes. In the revised programmes, students are proposed to study most courses together during the first year of study, even if they belong to different engineering specializations. This is intended to improve the study environment. Students in programmes with low numbers of applicants will become part of a richer and livelier student collective. However, the attractiveness could further be problematized by asking to whom higher education is attractive. A special focus will be on increasing the admission of students from groups in society that have been underrepresented in higher education. More specifically this may be linked to individual factors such as the educational level of parents, family income, immigrational background and geography. There may also be societal explanations in traditions of gendered professions. Engineering programmes, and especially some of the specializations at the university, are dominated by male students. This study focuses on how universities can take action to further increase the attractiveness of the engineering programmes, with a special regard to groups that are known to be underrepresented among the students.

Bachelor in engineering; broadening participation; gender
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-41076 (URN)10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1444 (DOI)2-s2.0-85147534327 (Scopus ID)
50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2022, 19-22 September 2022, Barcelona
Available from: 2023-02-13 Created: 2023-02-13 Last updated: 2023-02-13Bibliographically approved
Nobuoka, J. (2010). Geographies of the Japanese Cultural Economy: Innovation and Creative Consumption. (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Geographies of the Japanese Cultural Economy: Innovation and Creative Consumption
2010 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Geografier inom den Japanska kulturella ekonomin : Innovation och kreativ konsumtion
Abstract [en]

What is the role of the consumer in the contemporary cultural economy? Where are culturaleconomy innovations and competitiveness created? This thesis aims to provide tentativeanswers to these questions by focusing on some illustrative examples from the Japanesecultural economy. However, rather than primarily describing firm strategies or industrialdynamics, emphasis is put on the places and practices of users. The thesis is based on a seriesof qualitative studies carried out between 2007 and 2009. In these studies various forms ofinteraction between consumption, innovation and space are highlighted. In the first article,media mix is analyzed. Media mix is the space in which media, images and narrativesinteract: a space where the user contributes to the introduction of new innovation into alreadyexisting concepts, and thereby, plays a crucial role in creating the mix. In the second article,the Akihabara district in Tokyo is analyzed. This is a place where consumers enable hightechnologyand popular culture to merge and where new trends and consumer cultures arecreated. In the third article, the mega event Comiket is analyzed. Comiket is a market foramateur artists involved in Japanese popular culture. It is a space where plagiarism andprovocation by mainstream Japanese popular culture are driving factors for creativity. Thethesis concludes by suggesting that the role of the consumer needs to be further emphasized inresearch on the cultural economy, as many users are active innovators, and create trends andpractices that shape global consumer cultures.

Abstract [sv]

Japansk populärkultur har under de senaste årtiondena blivit väldigt uppskattadöver hela jorden. Manga (japanska serietidningar), anime (Japansk animeradfilm) och framförallt dataspel fascinerar, särskilt bland de yngre generationerna.Men var kommer då dessa kulturella uttryck ifrån och vem skapardem? Denna avhandling utforskar den kulturella ekonomins geografigenom att utifrån ett rumsligt perspektiv studera människor och platser somskapar, tolkar och utvecklar nya trender och produkter. I studien har fokusflyttats från etablerade produktutvecklare, företag och industriella drivkrafteroch tar med hjälp av tre separata artiklar sikte på att beskriva och tolkakopplingar mellan det rumsliga å ena sidan samt lärande och skapande åandra sidan. Avhandlingen har en tolkande ansats och baseras på kvalitativametoder som inspirerats av fenomenologin. Det empiriska materialet byggertill stor del på fältstudier som bedrivits i Japan under åren 2007-2009.Den första artikeln inleds med ett konstaterande av hur produktutvecklingsker inom den japanska leksaks- och spelindustrin. Idag är en vanlig metodför utvecklingen av berättelser att de sprids mellan olika former av medier.En mix av olika medier ger starka varumärken och trogna kunder. Samtidigtvisar studien att användaren är av central betydelse för skapandet av en helhetsupplevelse.Det är inte nödvändigtvis lisensägaren, en författare eller ettspecifikt företag som skapar produkternas konkurrenskraft. Istället är detmedia mixens sammantagna upplevelse som spelar en avgörande betydelseför användarna. Media mix möjliggör även att nya medier och berättelserkan introduceras av såväl företag som andra konsumenter.I den andra artikeln analyseras stadsdelen Akihabara i Tokyo som sedanlänge är känt som ett centrum för konsumtion av prylteknologi och hemelektronikmen som alltmer kommit att präglas av konsumtion av populärkulturi form av dataspel och anime-relaterade produkter. Akihabara är ettexempel på ett rum där kunskap och trender förmedlas och sprids; men ocksåskapas, utvecklas och förfinas. Platsen och dess användare spelar en avgöranderoll i dessa processer och konsumtion och konsumenternas handlingarär en grogrund för kulturella innovationer med konkurrenskraftiga kulturella uttryck. Artikeln ger därmed ett bidrag till diskussionen om innovativa miljöermed ett exempel som ligger långt bort från företagsparker och industriellakluster.Till sist, i en tredje artikel, analyseras Comik Market. Det är en mässa i Tokyoför manga där konstnärer i nära 40 år kunnat utväxla idéer, berättelseroch tekniker. Evenemanget har växt till en enorm happening där välkändastjärnor kan sälja sina varor bredvid helt okända nykomlingar. En viktigdrivkraft för skapandet är plagiat av redan etablerade och populära serier ochgenrer. Ofta är berättelserna provokativa och utmanande. Parallellt med seriernapågår dessutom utvecklandet av en besläktad populärkultur kallad cosplay.Vem som helst kan klä ut sig till sin favoritfigur och visa upp sig fördeltagarna. Skapandet och leken på mässan ger efterverkningar inom denjapanska kulturella ekonomin men avknoppas även utanför Japan. Idag finnsmånga liknande mässor runt om i världen där nya konsumenter och kreatörermöts och skapas. Artikeln är ett exempel på den event-baserade ekonominsom kräver spektakulära händelser för sin överlevnad. Samtidigt är det kreatörernasjälva som skapar och driver mässan trots etablerade mediakonglomeratoch myndigheter.På detta sätt ger avhandlingen uttryck för ett angreppssätt inom samhällsvetenskapendär kulturella och ekonomiska processer samspelar. Rumslighetenses som en avgörande komponent för skapandet av kulturella innovationer.Där masskulturen utvecklas, utvecklas också masskonsumtionen. De rumsom artiklarna belyser har därigenom en indirekt betydelse för den kulturellaindustrins konkurrenskraft. Dessutom, vid sidan av storföretagens mångmiljoninvesteringar och reklamjippon, framträder idag konsumenterna sombetydelsefulla innovatörer inom de kulturella näringarna. En av anledningarbakom detta är att värdet av kulturella produkter styrs av tillfälliga faktorersåsom trender och hajpar. Kunskap odlas och nytänkande frodas i utprägladekonsumtionskulturer och bland fans och kreativa konsumenter finns oftakärnan till många framgångsrika produkter. På detta sätt bidrar avhandlingentill förståelsen av samtidens kulturella ekonomi samt dess koppling till rummetoch konsumenten. Avhandlingen argumenterar därmed att forskningenpå kulturella näringar i högre grad bör uppmärksamma konsumenterna somaktiva kreatörer och värdeskapare.

Abstract [ja]


Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala: Kulturgeografiska institutionen, 2010. p. 94
Japan, Cultural Economy, Innovation, Consumption, Manga
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-39457 (URN)978-91-506-2140-2 (ISBN)
Public defence
2010-09-10, Universitetshuset, Sal IV, Biskopsgatan 3, 13:15 (English)
Available from: 2022-07-05 Created: 2022-07-05 Last updated: 2022-07-05Bibliographically approved
Nobuoka, J. (2010). User Innovation and Creative Consumption in Japanese Culture Industries: The Case of Akihabara, Tokyo. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 92(3), 205-218
Open this publication in new window or tab >>User Innovation and Creative Consumption in Japanese Culture Industries: The Case of Akihabara, Tokyo
2010 (English)In: Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, ISSN 0435-3684, E-ISSN 1468-0467, Vol. 92, no 3, p. 205-218Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The consumption and export of material and immaterial commodities basedupon Japanese popular culture is rapidly growing and continually finds new fans all aroundthe world. In this article, it is suggested that some of the competitiveness of these uniquecultural phenomena can be traced to the very dense and vivid area of Akihabara in Tokyo. Itslong history as an electronic retail district and a more recent influx of firms and shops focusedon popular culture has created a strong place brand that continues to mark Akihabara as thecapital of Japanese cultural industries. It is a space where different consumers, specialist subculturesand firms and their products can interact. The area functions as a hub were ideas andvalues are exchanged, tested and promoted. The article argues that research on innovationmilieus must take account of the role of users and their relation to place.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2010
Akihabara, cultural industries, Japan, user innovation
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-39459 (URN)10.1111/j.1468-0467.2010.00348.x (DOI)000281849900002 ()
Available from: 2010-07-26 Created: 2022-07-05 Last updated: 2022-07-05Bibliographically approved
Nobuoka, J. (2009). Comiket - Innovative fans and playful plagiarism. In: : . Paper presented at Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society, NAJS Conference Turku 2009.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Comiket - Innovative fans and playful plagiarism
2009 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-39455 (URN)
Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society, NAJS Conference Turku 2009
Available from: 2010-03-11 Created: 2022-07-05Bibliographically approved
Nobuoka, J. COMIKET: Innovative Fans and Playful Plagiarism.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>COMIKET: Innovative Fans and Playful Plagiarism
(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This paper suggests that research on innovation in the cultural economy should lookbeyond firms and industrial formations in seeking to understand how values and trendsare produced. Sometimes, dynamic externalities are constructed in creative milieus byamateurs and consumers. One example is Comiket, the largest event for amateur comics inthe world. Twice a year half a million people gather in Tokyo to participate in shopping,sharing and enjoying. The event, and the subculture around it, is examined in an attemptto understand its role in innovation processes and the production of trends. The paperDifferentiates between three different characteristics of Comiket. Firstly, it is a marketplace where goods are distributed and sold; more specifically, it is a female-dominated,self-organized, bottom-up market where large mainstream publishers only have amarginal presence. Secondly, it is a space where trends are constructed and mediated –innovation, in this sense, being something negotiated among users and producers ratherthan the outcome of research or laboratory work. Moreover, plagiarism and provocationsof mainstream culture are driving forces of these creative processes. Thirdly, Comiket is aplayground for leisure and exhibition: an unusual physical meeting place for an economicand cultural sphere, where the internet is rapidly becoming the terra firma.

Comiket, Event, User Innovation, Creative Milieu, Cultural Economy, Japan
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-39456 (URN)
Available from: 2010-07-26 Created: 2022-07-05 Last updated: 2022-07-05Bibliographically approved
Nobuoka, J. Media Mix and Consumer Created Competitiveness in Japanese Cultural Industries.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Media Mix and Consumer Created Competitiveness in Japanese Cultural Industries
(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

For several decades firms and products, which originate in Japan, have taken a centralposition within the toys and games industry. Many studies relate to the cultural andpolitical causes and effects of this shift, yet few studies examine the industry behind thesuccesses. This article studies Japanese popular culture phenomena, by discussing mediamix as an important competitive advantage. To further provide insight to the topic, bothan overview of the industrial landscape and detailed examinations of the well knownproducts of Pokémon and Hello Kitty, will be provided. The author suggests that aninnovation system in cultural industries partly depends on bottom-up processes, and thateffective product diversification is not entirely a matter of coordination by license holdersor firms. Instead, consumers take an active part in constructing new products, narrativesand practices.

Value Creation, Innovation, Media Mix, Cultural Industries, Toys and Games Industry, Japan
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-39458 (URN)
Available from: 2010-07-26 Created: 2022-07-05 Last updated: 2022-07-05Bibliographically approved

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