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Mozelius, Peter, DocentORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-1984-7917
Publications (10 of 31) Show all publications
García-Martínez, A., Gómez Muñiz, V., Serrano-Ausejo, E. & Mozelius, P. (2024). A proposal for an immersive virtual reality competencies framework for history teachers: Towards a specialization of TPACK. In: Proceedings ICICTE 2024: . Paper presented at International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2024), Chania, Greece,9-11 July 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A proposal for an immersive virtual reality competencies framework for history teachers: Towards a specialization of TPACK
2024 (English)In: Proceedings ICICTE 2024, 2024Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

History education faces challenges engaging students due to its complexity,hindering understanding of key concepts like causality or multiperspectivity.Immersive virtual reality (iVR) is being broadly implemented in heritageinstitutions, and some history teachers are beginning to explore its potential tosupport learning. However, insufficient technological-pedagogical knowledgecomplicates its implementation while the competencies needed for K-12 historyteachers remain unexplored. Knowledge required to effectively implement iVR inhistory education is presented, aiming to discuss a model covering the various areasthat should be developed for successful history education through iVR.

Virtual Reality, Immersive Virtual Reality, History Education, iVR Pedagogical History Knowledge framework, iVR-PAHCK
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-45212 (URN)
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2024), Chania, Greece,9-11 July 2024
Available from: 2024-07-11 Created: 2024-07-11 Last updated: 2024-07-29Bibliographically approved
Serrano-Ausejo, E. & Mozelius, P. (2024). Design of Virtual Reality Environments to Support Learning in History Education. In: : . Paper presented at 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2024. Immersive Learning Research Network, 10
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Design of Virtual Reality Environments to Support Learning in History Education
2024 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The fast development of immersive virtual reality (iVR) offersinnovative teaching methods, particularly in history education. Research hasexplored iVR’s pedagogical benefits and challenges, but there are few studieswith a focus on design of virtual environments to support history education.This scoping review explores the potential of improving teaching and learningthat has been presented in previous studies of iVR design. While some iVRapplications have been designed considering the potential to provide narrativeto the user, fewer were designed to support critical thinking and methodologicalapproaches to history as a science. This study underscores the need for furtherdevelopment in iVR design for critical and scientific thinking and providessuggestions for how to integrate iVR into history education. The conclusion ofthe study was that without thoughtful design, iVR would add limited value tolearning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Immersive Learning Research Network, 2024
Immersive Virtual Reality, History Education, Critical Thinking, iVR Design
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-44600 (URN)978-1-7348995-7-3 (ISBN)
10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2024
DTML - Virtual Reality
Available from: 2024-06-13 Created: 2024-06-13 Last updated: 2024-07-02Bibliographically approved
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2024). Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on Sustainability. In: The 4th International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024): . Paper presented at International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024) (pp. 175-182). ACI Academic Conferences International
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on Sustainability
2024 (English)In: The 4th International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024), ACI Academic Conferences International , 2024, p. 175-182Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

An  increasingly  popular  subcategory  of  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  is  Generative  AI (GAI),  which  encompasses  technologies capable of creating new content, such as images, text, and music, often resembling outputs made by humans. The  potential  impact  by  GAI  on  sustainability  is  multifaceted.  On  the  positive  side,  generative  AI  can  aid  in  optimizing  processes, developing innovative solutions, and identifying patterns in large datasets related to sustainability. This can lead to  more  efficient  resource  management,  reduced  energy  consumption,  and  the  creation  of  more  sustainable  products.  However,  there  are  also  potential  negative  impacts,  such  as  increased  energy  consumption  associated  with  training  and  running  generative  AI  models,  as  well  as  the  potential  for  unintended  consequences  or  biases  in  the  generated  content.  Additionally,  overreliance  on  generative  AI  may  lead  to  reduced  human  oversight,  which  could  undermine  holistic,  interdisciplinary, and collaborative approaches to sustainability. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential impacts on sustainability by generative artificial intelligence through a review of prior research on the topic. The study was conducted with a scoping literature review approach to identify potential impacts by generative AI on sustainability. Data were collected through  a  search  in  the  database  Scopus  during  the  spring  semester  of  2024.  Keywords,  relevant  for  the  study,  were  combined  with  Boolean  operators.  Papers  identified  through  the  search  underwent  a  manual  screening  process  by  the  authors, in which papers were selected for inclusion or exclusion in the study based on a set of criteria. Included paper were then analyzed with thematic analysis, according to the guidelines by Braun and Clarke. A categorization matrix, based in prior research  on  sustainability,  supported  the  analysis  and  deductive  coding  of  collected  data. Results  of  the  study  highlight  generative AI’s potential impact on sustainability that relate to both environmental aspects, economic aspects, and social aspects of sustainability. These different aspects of sustainability impact make this research an important contribution for deepening  the  understanding  of  generative  AI  and  its  potential  consequences  for  society.  Findings  of  the  study  provide  theoretical  contribution,  implications  for  practice,  and  recommendations  for  future  research  on  generative  AI  and  sustainability. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ACI Academic Conferences International, 2024
Generative AI, Sustainability impact, Environmental sustainability, Economic sustainability, Social sustainability
National Category
Computer and Information Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-46125 (URN)10.34190/icair.4.1.3024 (DOI)2-s2.0-85215661302 (Scopus ID)9798331309466 (ISBN)
International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024)
Available from: 2024-12-05 Created: 2024-12-05 Last updated: 2025-02-03Bibliographically approved
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2024). On the Use of Generative AI for Literature Reviews: An Exploration of Tools and Techniques. In: Ana Isabel Azavedo and José Manuel Azavedo (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies: . Paper presented at ECRM 2024, 23rd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Porto, Portugal, 4-5 July 2024 (pp. 161-168). Porto, Portugal: ISCAP, 23, Article ID 1.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>On the Use of Generative AI for Literature Reviews: An Exploration of Tools and Techniques
2024 (English)In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies / [ed] Ana Isabel Azavedo and José Manuel Azavedo, Porto, Portugal: ISCAP , 2024, Vol. 23, p. 161-168, article id 1Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

To carry out a literature review often involves hard and tedious work. There is a tradition of using facilitating tools, that extended to the AI field in 2018 when iris.ai appeared. Today, in the emerging field of Generative AI tools based on Large Language Models, there has been rapid development of new literature search tools and approaches. This study has the aim of exploring this vast array of Generative AI tools, in a literature study where some of the found tools were used to facilitate the selection of relevant publication. Three research questions guided this study: RQ1) "What Generative AI tools can be found in literature?", RQ2) "Which of these tools could be of use in the literature review conducted in this study, and how?", and RQ3) "What are the ethical aspects of using Generative AI tools in literature studies?” The approach has been a scoping review, built around a search that combined the keywords: "AI supported", "AI generated", "AI based" and "Literature review". An initial result set was filtered with inclusion exclusion criteria in a strive for an interesting quality answer to the research questions. However, most publications that passed the filtering lacked any potential to contribute to answer the research questions. The most interesting finding in the first search was a hint about the new feature 'Scopus AI'. A new search with the Scopus AI tool resulted in a small but very relevant set of publications. These publications were analysed in a deductive inductive thematic analysis, and primary sorted into the categories of: 'Generative AI Tools', 'Supportive AI Techniques', and 'Ethical Issues'. Findings indicate that there is a wide variety of tools that can facilitate the skimming process of a literature, and to provide adequate summaries of retrieved publication. However, authors recommendation is to keep the tools on the facilitating support level, and that the main analysis and conclusion should be human conducted. With this, rather traditional approach, researchers will have clearly less ethical issues to consider. Finally, the ethical aspects of Generative AI tools in research ought to be investigated more in detail, in a separate future study.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Porto, Portugal: ISCAP, 2024
Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ; 23
Literature review, Research methods, Generative AI, AI supported research, AI tools
National Category
Other Computer and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-45112 (URN)10.34190/ecrm.23.1.2528 (DOI)2-s2.0-85202610244 (Scopus ID)
ECRM 2024, 23rd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Porto, Portugal, 4-5 July 2024
Available from: 2024-07-02 Created: 2024-07-02 Last updated: 2024-09-09Bibliographically approved
Berg, C., Omsén, L., Hansson, H. & Mozelius, P. (2024). Students' AI-generated Images: Impact on Motivation, Learning and, Satisfaction. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on AI Research: . Paper presented at ICAIR 2024 (pp. 500-506). ACI Academic Conferences International, 4
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Students' AI-generated Images: Impact on Motivation, Learning and, Satisfaction
2024 (English)In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on AI Research, ACI Academic Conferences International, 2024, Vol. 4, p. 500-506Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In the contemporary society where the rapid development of generative AI (GenAI) infiltrate daily life, it isimperative for schools to keep up with the development. Future generations are expected to have GenAI skills and knowledgein the same way that traditional literacy is a recruitment condition today. School curricula need to integrate this newtechnology to support students' learning and development. Research on artificial in education (AIED) has reported on thechallenges with the involvement of GenAI in teaching and learning, but also on GenAi as a study support. To not fall behindmany schools have started out with AIED initiatives which creates a need for studying how GenAI could be applied in a usefulway in teaching and learning activities. The research question that guided this study was: In what ways could the use of GAIin visual form support students' learning process and motivation in upper secondary school settings? The overall researchstrategy was a qualitative case study approach with investigator triangulation. Data were collected in a combination ofobservations at workshop sessions and semi-structured interviews. with teachers as well as students. In a six-step inductivethematic analysis data excerpts were coded, aggregated to categories, and presented. Findings indicate that GenAI tools forimage generation, can have a positive effect on learning. At the same time that memorisation of information is supported,there were also a positive impact on motivation and student satisfaction. The involvement of image generation tools not asubstitute, but rather a complement to traditional teaching and learning activities. The conclusion is that the use of AI ineducation can offer new learning opportunities, and with the increased use of GenAI, it is crucial for both students andteachers to keep pace. However, this would require that more time and resources for teacher professional development on AIED. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ACI Academic Conferences International, 2024
Generative AI, GenAI, AIED, AI-generated images, Midjourney, Secondary education
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-46221 (URN)10.34190/icair.4.1.3243 (DOI)2-s2.0-85215667637 (Scopus ID)9798331309466 (ISBN)
ICAIR 2024
Available from: 2024-12-27 Created: 2024-12-27 Last updated: 2025-02-03Bibliographically approved
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cognitive Load in Computing Education. In: Jonas Olofsson, Teodor Jernsäther-Ohlsson, Sofia Thunberg, Linus Holm and Erik Billing (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th SWECOG Conference: . Paper presented at SweCog 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 10-11 October 2024. Stockholm, Sweden, 19, Article ID 06.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cognitive Load in Computing Education
2024 (English)In: Proceedings of the 19th SWECOG Conference / [ed] Jonas Olofsson, Teodor Jernsäther-Ohlsson, Sofia Thunberg, Linus Holm and Erik Billing, Stockholm, Sweden, 2024, Vol. 19, article id 06Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The rapid development of Generative AI (GAI) makes an impact in many fields of our society, andfor higher education this is a fact that must be addressed. Research has reported on GAI creating newchallenges, and GAI as a catalyst for a transformation of higher education (Chiu, 2024; Yusuf et al.,2024). According to Chiu (2024) the four most important educational domains to consider arelearning, teaching, assessment and administration. This study had a focus on learning, and as pointedout by Choudhuri et al. (2024), there is a gap in the understanding of the potential and the pitfallswhen using GAI in computing education. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential impact ofAI technologies on cognitive load, relevant for computing education at higher education level. Theresearch question to answer is: What is the potential impact of AI technologies on cognitive load in computing education accordingto recent research?

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm, Sweden: , 2024
Skövde University Studies in Informatics, ISSN 1653-2325 ; 2024:1
Artificial intelligence, AI, Generative AI, GAI, Cognitive load
National Category
Research subject
Innovative Learning
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-45827 (URN)978-91-989038-1-2 (ISBN)
SweCog 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 10-11 October 2024
Available from: 2024-10-13 Created: 2024-10-13 Last updated: 2024-10-15Bibliographically approved
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2023). Making programming part of teachers' everyday life - Programming affordances and constraints for K-12 mathematics and technology. The international journal of information and learning technology, 40(1), 98-112
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Making programming part of teachers' everyday life - Programming affordances and constraints for K-12 mathematics and technology
2023 (English)In: The international journal of information and learning technology, ISSN 2056-4880, E-ISSN 2056-4899, Vol. 40, no 1, p. 98-112Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose The conducted examination of programming affordances and constraints had the purpose of adding knowledge and value that facilitate the on-going national curricula revision; knowledge that also could be of general interest outside the Swedish K-12 context. Design/methodology/approach With a qualitative approach, the study was conducted as a document analysis where submitted lesson plans were the base for a directed content analysis. Findings This study presents findings on how the involvement of programming in mathematics and technology have potential to foster engagement and motivation among students. Findings also indicate that the implementation of programming can develop important general skills that go beyond the boundaries of mathematics and technology. Moreover, the identified constraints could be valuable to improve the on-going curriculum development for K-12 mathematics and technology. Research limitations/implications This qualitative study was conducted on a relatively small number of teachers where the majority has taken the courses on a voluntary basis. An important complement would be to conduct a larger quantitative study with data from a more general sample of K-12 teachers. Practical implications Results and discussions provide guidance for K-12 teachers and other stakeholders who want to introduce programming as a complementary tool in teaching and learning activities. Social implications The study has a contribution to the on-going implementation of the Swedish national curricula for K-12 mathematics and technology. Originality/value During the last years, many studies have been published on teacher training in programming, and how the training can be improved. This study goes beyond the actual teacher training and examine aspects teachers translate to theirs daily work after completing the training.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ald, 2023
Programming, Lesson planning, Affordances, K-12 education, Mathematics, Technology
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-40799 (URN)10.1108/IJILT-03-2022-0069 (DOI)000868107400001 ()2-s2.0-85140127257 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2022-10-27 Created: 2023-01-18Bibliographically approved
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis: Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Similarities and Differences. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 20(3), 89-98
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis: Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Similarities and Differences
2022 (English)In: Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, E-ISSN 1477-7029, Vol. 20, no 3, p. 89-98Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper is a review of content analysis or thematic analysis which is further explored though the lens of impressions of doctoral students who attended a presentation on the subject.The long tradition of quantitative research still dominates many university courses on research methodology and data analysis. During the 20th century the field of qualitative research has had a growing need for new analysis methods that accommodate qualitative data and two frequently used methods are content analysis and thematic analysis. They have several things in common and sometimes, they have been understood by researchers to be interchangeably. It has been argued by some researchers that conventional content analysis has really the same functional approach to analysing data as an inductive thematic analysis. This study reports on two webinars on qualitative analysis involving doctoral students and facilitated by the authors. The webinars presented, discussed content analysis and thematic analysis, and gathered participants’ reflections on these methods using a Padlet (padlet.com). The aim of the study was to analyse and describe doctoral students' perceptions of content analysis and thematic analysis. The data collected has been analysed using conventional content analysis applying an abductive coding approach. The study identifies several perceived similarities and differences between the two methods, but also opportunities and challenges for applying them. Findings highlight that the two methods are perceived to be applicable to different types of research. Furthermore, they offer similar challenges to the researcher including their potential for bias and could be considered a choice between an intuitive and a practical approach to analysis. Many of the identified perceptions can be related to previous literature on content analysis and thematic analysis. However, other perceptions seems to indicates a need for more thorough and nuanced discussions on methods for qualitative analysis. The study suggest that more efforts should be made to support doctoral students in attaining a nuanced understanding of qualitative methods for analysis. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ACPIL, 2022
Content analysis, Nuanced understanding, Qualitative analysis, Qualitative research, Thematic analysis
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-40795 (URN)10.34190/ejbrm.20.3.2920 (DOI)2-s2.0-85142246022 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2022-11-30 Created: 2023-01-18 Last updated: 2024-01-16Bibliographically approved
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis: Similarities, Differences and Applications in Qualitative Research. In: Dr. Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira (Ed.), Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ECRM 2022: A Conference Hosted By University of Aveiro Portugal 2-3 June 2022. Paper presented at 21st European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ECRM, Aveiro, Portugal, 2022 (pp. 76-81). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis: Similarities, Differences and Applications in Qualitative Research
2022 (English)In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ECRM 2022: A Conference Hosted By University of Aveiro Portugal 2-3 June 2022 / [ed] Dr. Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira, Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited , 2022, p. 76-81Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Research has a long tradition of quantitative research which still dominates many university courses on research methods. Qualitative research is a younger phenomenon that was established in research after the second world war. An emerging research field that needed new analysis methods tailored for qualitative data. Two of the most frequently used approaches in qualitative data analysis are content analysis and thematic analysis. In several aspects content analysis and thematic analysis both share a common approach to analytically examine qualitative data, and the fact that they have been used interchangeably has made it difficult for the more unexperienced researchers to distinguish and choose between them. The aim of this study is to examine doctoral students’ perceptions of qualitative analysis with content analysis and thematicanalysis. The study had a qualitative approach with data collected from two webinars on qualitative data analysis, where a total of 76 doctoral students participated. Data consists of participant reflections in a Padlet on content analysis and thematic analysis at the two webinars. Webinar participants have given their consent to use their reflections in the Padlet for research. Content analysis with an abductive coding approach was used to analyse the collected data and formulate categories that answer the study’s aim and research question. Results show both perceived similarities and differences between content analysis and thematic analysis. Both are perceived to have a similar process in the coding of data, although content analysishas a wider selection of coding approaches and thematic analysis support deeper immersion. Content analysis is also perceived as more practical and straightforward, while thematic analysis is perceived as more intuitive and faster to learn. Both content analysis and thematic analysis are perceived to have individual opportunities and challenges that make them appropriate for different types of research. Findings presented in this study can be used by researchers at any level to explore similarities and differences between content analysis and thematic analysis, and where to apply them in research.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2022
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, ISSN 2049-0968, E-ISSN 2049-0976 ; 21
Content analysis, Thematic analysis, Qualitative analysis, Qualitative research, Coding
National Category
Other Social Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-40796 (URN)2-s2.0-85143306518 (Scopus ID)978-1-914587-36-8 (ISBN)978-1-914587-37-5 (ISBN)
21st European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ECRM, Aveiro, Portugal, 2022

Virtual presentation via Zoom

Available from: 2023-01-18 Created: 2023-01-18 Last updated: 2023-01-18Bibliographically approved
Mozelius, P., Humble, N., Sällvin, L., Öberg, L.-M., Pechuel, R. & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2022). How to get the girls gaming: A literature study on inclusive design. In: Conceição Costa (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022): . Paper presented at European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022), Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-7 October 2022 (pp. 396-402). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Open this publication in new window or tab >>How to get the girls gaming: A literature study on inclusive design
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2022 (English)In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022) / [ed] Conceição Costa, Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited , 2022, p. 396-402Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Gaming is a ubiquitous activity today where many children spend considerable amounts of time playing various games. Serious games have also become a mainstream educational tool in a wide variety of school subjects. Despite this, many games still have a design that mainly appeals to boys where girls are less frequent players. The aim of this study was to gather requirements for a design of serious games where girls should not feel excluded. The research question to answer was: "Which design concepts are important if girls should be engaged in serious gaming?". Furthermore, the results from this study could be useful for future implementations of educational games. This study strives to address the research gap in the field of inclusive game design, and to gather important requirements for games where girls and boys want to play together. This study was carried out as a scoping literature review to map literature in the field of game design to identify key concepts that can attract the younger girl audience. Scoping literature reviews offer a method of mapping key concepts in a research field to identifying the main sources and types of evidence available. A central aim of a scoping literature review is to synthesise research results to a specific target group as a foundation for future research. For this study, the future research will consist of implementing the found design factors in an educational game on computer science. Findings indicate that there are specific game design concepts that girls find appealing. Important main themes to consider are Creativity and customisation, Character diversity, Collaborative interaction, and Exploration without violence. However, there seems to be several challenges related to the concept of designing specific girl games. The conclusion from this study is rather to choose a more inclusive game design where girls and boys would like to play together. A concept for game design that could be described as having a low threshold, wide walls and a high ceiling. The recommendation for a girl inclusive design is to carefully consider factors such as narration, backstory, social interaction, game graphics, sound design, and personalisation.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2022
Game design, Inclusive design, Games and girls, Game-based learning, Scoping review
National Category
Computer and Information Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-40817 (URN)10.34190/ecgbl.16.1.658 (DOI)2-s2.0-85141184563 (Scopus ID)978-1-914587-51-1 (ISBN)978-1-914587-52-8 (ISBN)
European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022), Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-7 October 2022
Erasmus+ Gaming4Coding
Available from: 2022-10-09 Created: 2023-01-18 Last updated: 2023-01-18Bibliographically approved
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-1984-7917

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