Open this publication in new window or tab >>2017 (English)Collection (editor) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
For a better world now and in the future
For a world that sustains itself for genereations to come, the University of Gävle is an ambitious and development-oriented organization with a focus on sustainability now and in the future. Under the leadership of Dr. Maj-Britt Johansson, the University is creating a sustainable community. This book commemorates her efforts in hounour of her 60th birthday.
The ten essays here show the wide variety of sustainability activities under her leadership, not limited to ecological issues, includning science, social work, building design and contruction, and World Hertiage sites, along with a variety of other cutting-edge topics.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Mjölby: Atremi AB, 2017. p. 187 Edition: 1
National Category
Economics and Business Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-23597 (URN)978-91-7527-174-3 (ISBN)
It is a real privilege to edit a book for Maj-Britt Johansson to commemorateher many years of making life better for all and the world more sustainable in many ways. Her leadership to promote the University of Gävle as a sustainable university is especially commendable as described in the first two essays.
Through her own accomplishments, she has brought rigour into the process of developing sustainability in her area of endeavour and has fostered that rigour at the University of Gävle. This leadership has led to a rigorous critical analysis of the science of sustainability research in the third essay. Under her leadership, the notion of sustainability has extended well beyond concern for the ecology and natural sciences. Two essays demonstrate the impact of social work on sustainable lives both in practice and in research.
The next essay demonstrates the crucial importance of building design and construction for sustainability, one of the major research areas of the University of Gävle in energy systems and buildings.
Her international focus leading the University of Gävle to a more international posture is consistent with the next essay focusing on corporate social responsibility, an element of sustainability in a developing country environment. Under her leadership and the sustainability structure she has established, it is apparent that theory development is the next step. The next paper presents an innovative and well-received sustainable enterprise theory. This theory is then used in the next charming essay about the World Heritage site, the decorated farmhouses in Hälsingland. The final essay also uses the theory to develop a comprehensive set of sustainability indicators.
Thanks to the authors of this book for the great opportunity to edit the bookand taking a step forward in the area of sustainability.
2017-02-102017-02-102022-12-13Bibliographically approved