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EU grant
Title [sv]
Exoskelettben för äldre personer (EXO-LEGS)
Title [en]
Exoskeleton legs for elderly persons (EXO-LEGS)
Abstract [sv]
Syfte och mål: 1. Slutanvändargrupp bestående av 118 medlemmar skapades, engagerades via etiskt godkännande för att identifiera AALs nyckelkrav på rörlighet, konstruktionspreferenser (allmänna & särskilda), marknadspotential och slutanvändartestning 2. Ny harmoniserade styrteknik har skapats och patenterats 3. Ett prototyp exoskelett visade sig ge 30% stöd till användare, testas av verkliga slutanvändare för att visa att fysisk hjälp kan ges för AALs nyckelkrav gällande rörlighet 4. Kommersialisering i 3 sektorer (neuro & ortopedisk, rehabilitering och konsumentmarknader) föreslås. Förväntade effekter och resultat: EXO-LEGS har skapat kritisk teknisk och ingenjörs expertis och ny IP inom design och utveckling av fysiska biträdande robotar som omfattas av ISO 13482 säkerhetsstandard så att kommersialisering av nya konsumentmarknader i Europa kan underlättas. UGAVS s avknoppning (PhaseX) planerar att fullfölja detta och hjälpmedel för enskilda leder planeras att lanseras under 2017. övriga partners (HOAG och CBSL) kommer att utöka sina befintliga medicinska produkter för neuro, ortopediska och rehabiliteringsmarknader. Kommersialisering planeras ske inom 2-3 år från slutet av projektet. Upplägg och genomförande: Ny modulär design strategi och många moduler har utvecklats. Fokus på integration för att genomföra de viktigaste basala rörelserna. Avancerade funktioner för standard- & deluxe modeller har tagits fram för att tillåta uppgradering av designs via modultänkande. Den nya kontrollmetoden tillåter användaren att stödjas på ett symbiotiskt sätt genom att automatiskt tillhandahålla den extra kraft som behövs för att utföra de önskade rörelserna. Dessa två frågor om behov av anpassningsförmåga & användbarhet är viktiga för enkel & snabb anpassning av exo-designs till privatpersoner
Abstract [en]
Purpose and goal: 1. An end user group comprising 118 members was created and engaged with via ethical approval to identify key AAL mobility requirements, user design preferences (general and specific), and market potential, as well as final end user testing 2. New harmonised control technology created and patented 3. A prototype exoskeleton realised able to provide 30% assistance to users and be tested by real end users to demonstrate physical help can be provided for key AAL mobility tasks. 4. Commercialisation in 3 sectors (neuro & orthopaedic, rehabilitation and consumer markets) proposed. Expected results and effects: EXO-LEGS has created critical technical and engineering know how and new IP in designing and developing physical assistant robots covered in ISO 13482 safety standard so that commercialisation for new consumer markets in Europe can be facilitated. UGAVS´s spin out (PhaseX) plans to pursue this and single joint assistive exo-products are planned to be launched in 2017. Other partners (HOAG and CBSL) will expand their existing medical products for neuro and orthopaedic and rehabilitation markets. Hence commercialisation is planned to occur within 2-3 years from the end of the project Approach and implementation: A new modular design approach and many modules have been developed; the focus has been on integration to implement the key basic motions but advanced functionalities needed in standard and deluxe models have also been developed and tested to allow upgrading of designs via the modular approach. The novel control method allows the wearer to be supported in a symbiotic manner by automatically providing the top-up power needed to perform the desired motions. These two issues of adaptability and usability needs are essential for easy and rapid customization of exo-designs to individuals
Publications (5 of 5) Show all publications
Singh Rupal, B., Rafique, S., Singla, A., Singla, E., Isaksson, M. & Singh Virk, G. (2017). Lower-limb exoskeletons: Research trends and regulatory guidelines in medical and non-medical applications. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14(6), 1-27
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2017 (English)In: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, ISSN 1729-8806, E-ISSN 1729-8814, Vol. 14, no 6, p. 1-27Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

With the recent progress in personal care robots, interest in wearable exoskeletons has been increasing due to the demand for assistive technologies generally and specifically to meet the concerns in the increasing ageing society. Despite this global trend, research focus has been on load augmentation for soldiers/workers, assisting trauma patients, paraplegics, spinal cord injured persons and for rehabilitation purposes. Barring the military-focused activities, most of the work to date has focused on medical applications. However, there is a need to shift attention towards the growing needs of elderly people, that is, by realizing assistive exoskeletons that can help them to stay independent and maintain a good quality of life. Therefore, the present article covers the rapidly evolving area of wearable exoskeletons in a holistic manner, for both medical and non-medical applications, so that relevant current developments and future issues can be addressed; this includes how the physical assistance/rehabilitation/compensation can be provided to supplement capabilities in a natural manner. Regulatory guidelines, important for realizing new markets for these emerging technologies, are also explored in this work. For these, emerging international safety requirements are presented for non-medical and medical exoskeleton applications, so that the central requirement of close human–robot interactions can be adequately addressed for the intended tasks to be carried out. An example case study on developing and commercializing wearable exoskeletons to help support living activities of healthy elderly persons is presented to highlight the main issues in non-medical mobility exoskeletons. This also paves the way for the potential future trends to use exoskeletons as physical assistant robots, as covered by the recently published safety standard ISO 13482, to help elderly people perform their activities of daily living.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Sage Publications, 2017
Lower-limb exoskeletons, wearable robots, disability technologies, mobility augmentation, medical/non-medical regulations
National Category
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-25734 (URN)10.1177/1729881417743554 (DOI)000417219300001 ()2-s2.0-85039909573 (Scopus ID)
Vinnova, 2012-03255
Available from: 2017-12-05 Created: 2017-12-05 Last updated: 2025-01-20Bibliographically approved
Haider, U., Nyoman, I. I., Kim, C., Masud, N., Virk, G. S. & Coronado, J. L. (2017). Modular EXO-LEGS for mobility of elderly persons. In: Advances in Cooperative Robotics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference in CLAWAR 2016. Paper presented at 19th International Conference series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), 12-14 September 2016, London, UK (pp. 851-859). Singapore: World Scientific
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2017 (English)In: Advances in Cooperative Robotics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference in CLAWAR 2016, Singapore: World Scientific, 2017, p. 851-859Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The paper presents details of the AAL Call 4 EXO-LEGS project aimed at developing and testing lower body assistive exoskeletons to help elderly persons perform daily living activities independently such as stable standing, sit-to-stand transfers and straight walking. The key components needed have been realized using mobility requirements and design preferences provided by an end user group comprising 118 members via 5 surveys. Modular human-centric concepts are followed for mechanical design, sensing and actuation, system integration, etc., to realize a BASIC exoskeleton prototype able to provide up to 30% power to assist the human perform the intended motions. Two ethical approvals have been obtained to involve end users in the research, development and test phases of the project. To date, 5 test subjects have tested the exoskeleton prototype in walking and the sit-to-stand test; summary results are presented in this paper.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Singapore: World Scientific, 2017
National Category
Computer graphics and computer vision
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-22835 (URN)10.1142/9789813149137_0099 (DOI)000386326300099 ()2-s2.0-84999806599 (Scopus ID)978-981-3149-12-0 (ISBN)978-981-3149-14-4 (ISBN)
19th International Conference series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), 12-14 September 2016, London, UK
EU, Horizon 2020Vinnova, 2012-03255
Available from: 2016-11-25 Created: 2016-11-25 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved
Virk, G. S., Haider, U., Nyoman, I. I., Masud, N., Mamaev, I., Hopfgarten, P. & Hein, B. (2016). Design of EXO-LEGS exoskeletons. In: Assistive Robotics: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2015: . Paper presented at 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2015, 6-9 September 2015, HangZhou, China (pp. 59-66).
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2016 (English)In: Assistive Robotics: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2015, 2016, p. 59-66Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The paper describes the design details for realising the EXO-LEGS assistive exoskeletons for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) applications based on modelling and simulation studies performed for key mobility functionalities in activities for daily living such as stable standing in open space and straight walking. The results provide the basis for selecting sensors and actuators to develop the needed assistive exoskeletons to help the elderly to stay active and independent for as long as possible.

Mobile robots; Walking aids, Ambient assisted living (AAL); Assistive; Daily living; Modelling and simulations; Sensors and actuators, Exoskeleton (Robotics)
National Category
Robotics and automation
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-23261 (URN)000391656500011 ()2-s2.0-84999837795 (Scopus ID)978-981-4725-23-1 (ISBN)
18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2015, 6-9 September 2015, HangZhou, China
Vinnova, 2012-03255
Available from: 2017-01-09 Created: 2017-01-09 Last updated: 2025-02-09Bibliographically approved
Virk, G. S., Haider, U., Indrawibawa, I. N., Thekkeparanipumadom, R. K. & Masud, N. (2014). Exo-legs for elderly persons. In: Krzysztof Kozłowski, Mohammad O. Tokhi, Gurvinder S. Virk (Ed.), Mobile service robotics: . Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), JUL 21-23, 2014, Poznan, Poland (pp. 85-92). Singapore: World Scientific
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2014 (English)In: Mobile service robotics / [ed] Krzysztof Kozłowski, Mohammad O. Tokhi, Gurvinder S. Virk, Singapore: World Scientific, 2014, p. 85-92Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The paper presents a research update on the AAL Call 4 EXO-LEGS project aimed at developing lower-body mobility exoskeletons to assist elderly persons to stay independent in their normal daily living activities for as long as possible. The important movement functionalities and key design issues to be included in the process are identified via specifically developed questionnaires and responses from a pan-European end user group set up as part of the project. The user requirements are used together with the recently published ISO safety requirements for personal care robots to perform targeted technical research in the areas of human gait analysis, modelling and simulation, mechanical engineering, embedded system design, and ergonomic user interfacing.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Singapore: World Scientific, 2014
National Category
Robotics and automation
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-18313 (URN)000342693100011 ()2-s2.0-84991754640 (Scopus ID)978-981-4623-34-6 (ISBN)
17th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), JUL 21-23, 2014, Poznan, Poland
Vinnova, 2012-03255
Available from: 2014-12-09 Created: 2014-12-09 Last updated: 2025-02-09Bibliographically approved
Indrawibawa, I. N. & Virk, G. S. (2013). Exoskeleton for assisting human walking. In: Kenneth J Waldron, Mohammad O Tokhi and Gurvinder S Virk (Ed.), Nature-Inspired Mobile Robotics: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2013. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2013, 14-17 July 2013, Sydney, NSW (pp. 117-124). World Scientific Publishing Co.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Exoskeleton for assisting human walking
2013 (English)In: Nature-Inspired Mobile Robotics: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2013, World Scientific Publishing Co. , 2013, p. 117-124Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

As the ageing society's problems evolve, mobility aid requirements are beginning to gain impetus and detailed studies on humans performing their normal activities for daily living are becoming urgent. The paper presents the design of a lower-body exoskeleton, which can be easily put on and worn, and used for recording human motions. In this way, the mobility requirements for performing daily living tasks are determined. The research involves the design of a 4 degree of freedom (DOF) lower-body prototype system used in acquiring basic motion data from volunteers as they perform basic walking tasks using embedded sensors for recording the hip and knee angles and transmitting them wirelessly. Walking tests with 20 volunteers are carried out after ethical considerations have been addressed; these cover human safety, full informed consent and privacy ensured by presenting the results in an anonymous manner. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013
Degree of freedom (dof), Embedded sensors, Ethical considerations, Hip and knees, Human walking, Mobility aids, Prototype system, Walking tasks, Mobile robots, Walking aids
National Category
Robotics and automation
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19482 (URN)10.1142/9789814525534_0018 (DOI)000337122900018 ()2-s2.0-84891364850 (Scopus ID)978-981-4525-52-7 (ISBN)
16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2013, 14-17 July 2013, Sydney, NSW
Vinnova, 2012-03255

Book DOI: 10.1142/8913

Konferens: 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2013; Sydney, NSW, Australia, 14 July 2013 through 17 July 2013

Available from: 2015-06-07 Created: 2015-06-07 Last updated: 2025-02-09Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorKim, Chanki
Project OfficerVirk, Gurvinder Singh
Co-InvestigatorNyoman, Indrawibawa I.
Co-InvestigatorHaider, Usman
Co-InvestigatorKrishnan, Rakesh
Co-InvestigatorMasud, Nauman
Coordinating organisation
University of Gävle
2012-10-01 - 2016-03-31
Keywords [sv]
EXO-LEGS, Robotik, Åldrande befolkning
Keywords [en]
EXO-LEGS, Robotics, Elderly people
National Category
DiVA, id: project:293Project, id: 2012-03255_Vinnova

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