Title: Annoying television advertising - What is it about television (TV) commercials that are perceived as annoying and how does it affect the viewer’s purchasing behavior?
Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration
Authors: Benny Berggren and Sofie Erenlöf
Supervisor: Jonas Kågström
Date: 2012 – May
Advertising can be found in many shapes and forms such as on: billboards, radio stations, public transport and of course on television. The last form of advertising is possibly one of the most effective and widely used methods of advertising due to the wide percentage of households with a TV in this technological age. One of the problems TV viewers have to face is the wide variety of TV advertisements which are repetitive and can be seen on numerous occasions throughout the day. This is only one of many factors that may cause irritation to the viewer if being executed wrong. Irritation leads to animosity. Animosity leads to a negative attitude. A negative attitude, may lead to difficult decision making for the consumer whether he or she should make that purchase or or go to a competitor. There are two purposes of this thesis. The first is to explore what general factors create irritation and the second is to explore if enough irritation has the effect of making the consumer choose a competitor brand over the proffered advertised brand as witnessed on TV.
This thesis is of the abductive kind. The first part of this thesis consists of a theoretical part. The theoretical part consists of secondary (scientific articles and models). The third part consists of empirical research. In order to collect the opinions of the TV-audience in Sweden, an electronic survey was conducted where the respondents were asked about demographic questions, causes of irritation toward selected Swedish advertising commercials.
Result & Conclusions:
The results from this thesis indicated that consumers perceive TV-advertising very differently. Results showed that the respondents found a commercial from electronic media giant Siba to be the most annoying one. The main factors deemed to be of great annoyance in a TV commercial were as follows; volume, tempo, characters of the commercial, a confusing message and the TV commercial being too repetitive. Furthermore, there were no indications that the consumer would rather go to a competitor due to the irritating commercial and no significant correlations were found.
Suggestions for future research:
Not once did the respondents suggest that commercials from multibillion dollar corporations, such as Coca Cola and McDonalds were being perceived as annoying. Could it be that those companies are too afraid to be different by standing out too much during commercials in fear of losing market share, or do they simply know which of the irritating factors to stay away? Further research regarding this matter is suggested.
Contribution of the thesis:
Our goals for this thesis is to make a difference, so that future marketers will have an even greater success when marketing their products due to them being more aware of what to include and what not to include in their commercials.
Key words:
TV-commercials, irritation, consumer behavior, message and volume.
2012. , s. 110