This IEA Annex 80 Subtask C report and the associated brochures provide examples of well-documented field studies. These field studies apply resilient cooling technologies to reduce energy demand and carbon emissions for cooling and reduce the overheating risk in different types of buildings, including newly constructed and existing buildings. Examples and details on building information, energy systems, resilient cooling technologies, key performance indicators (KPIs), and performance evaluation amd lessons learned are included in the report and the brochures.
The present report summarizes all 13 field study buildings collected in Subtask C of IEA-EBC Annex 80. This summary presents information on the field studies, the resilient cooling technologies applied in the field studies, the KPIs, and the performance evaluation and lessons learned. The values of KPIs for building similar functions, i.e., residential buildings, under different climate conditions were discussed. In the field study brochures, detailed information is inlcuded for each building.
The field studies are presented in brochure format. Each brochure contains information in a standardized format. This includes the introduction & climate, building information, resilient cooling, KPI evaluation, design simulation, performance evaluation, discussion, lessons learned, references & key contacts.
Vienna: Institute of Building Research & Innovation , 2024. p. 173-187