This paper aims to examine the views of managers, accountants, and auditors on the impact of innovation and information technology on financial resilience, and answers the question of whether in today's businesses, which are rapidly changing and evolving and where events are unpredicted, organizations can increase their economic resilience through innovation and information technology. The research population was managers, accountants, and auditors of small and medium-sized companies in Razavi Khorasan in 2024, and the study was conducted with a questionnaire in both paper and electronic forms through in-person visits to the companies under research, where 357 auditors and 371 accountants and managers completed the questionnaire. The findings show that the innovation of products and services and the expansion of information technology increase the financial resilience of organizations. It is suggested that organizations increase the innovation of products and services and use information technology to eliminate and take effective action in dealing with possible risks. The findings suggest exciting facts about the effect of advanced digital space on financial resilience in organizations active in Iran's economy, as well as possible damages in this field that cause delays in digitalization and, as a result, the economic resilience of organizations.