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Hur par drabbade av ofrivillig barnlöshet och vårdpersonal upplever vårdsituationen: En litteraturstudie
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
2012 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka upplevelser av vårdsituationer hos par diagnostiserade med ofrivillig barnlöshet, och hur sjukvårdspersonal upplevde att bedriva denna vård. Studien sammanställdes under 10 veckor under vårterminen 2012 och har en kvalitativ-deskriptiv design. Upprepade sökningar i databaserna CINAHL och Pubmed kombinerades med sökning av annan litteratur såsom böcker. Artiklarna som påträffades i databaserna granskades utifrån kriterier som publikationsdatum och språk. Huvudresultatet i studien visade att sjukvårdspersonal innehar en unik position för att skapa en tillfredsställande kontakt mellan dem själva och patienterna, och att stödja patienterna under behandlingen. Patienterna berättade om vikten av att sjukvårdpersonal visar respekt, empati och kompetens och medkänsla ansågs vara den viktigaste aspekten vid vårdsituationer. Sjuksköterskor på infertilitetskliniker talade om att de anser sig ha ett stort ansvar vilket kräver stor kunskap och erfarenhet. Slutsatsen visade att det är vanligt med negativa konsekvenser (både fysiska och psykiska) för patienterna, och att det saknas riktlinjer för hur vården av dessa patienter skall bedrivas samt att det finns en brist på forskning inom detta område.

Abstract [en]

This literature review aimed to investigate the experiences of couples’ treatment for their diagnosed involuntary childlessness, and how health care providers experienced the act of providing the treatment. The review was completed at University of Gävle during 10 weeks under the first semester of 2012. The study had a qualitative-descriptive design. The literature that was used to compile the results was collected through repeated searches in the databases CINAHL and PubMed in combination with searches for other literature (such as books) in the library catalogue at University of Gävle. The writers of the study reviewed the articles from criteria such as date of publication, and the articles should have been written in English or Swedish. The main results of this study showed that nurses had a unique position to create a satisfying contact between themselves and patients, and also provide infertility patients with support. The result further showed that the health-care professionals is in a exemplary position to uphold a good first groundcontact, and thereby give infertility patients support and advise during this procedure. The nurses also stressed the importance that they had a great responsibility which called for a great knowledge and experience. The patients spoke about the importance of health care providers showing respect, empathy and competence. The most important aspect in caretaking was that the nurses show compassion, which according to the patients first of all came when the nurses showed that they understood what every couple individually, went through during treatment. The conclusion then showed that it was common with negative consequences (both fysical and psychological) for the patients and health care providers found lack of birectyons and that there was not enough research within this area.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2012. , p. 25
Keywords [en]
Couple, infertility, involuntary childless, treatment experiences, nurse
Keywords [sv]
Par, infertilitet, ofrivillig barnlöshet, bemötande, upplevelser, sjuksköterskor
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-11946Archive number: SSKHk09-40OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-11946DiVA, id: diva2:530638
Subject / course
Nursing science
Educational program
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Available from: 2012-06-05 Created: 2012-06-04 Last updated: 2012-06-05Bibliographically approved

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