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Samverkan i BoDa-enheter: En kvalitativ studie kring personer med funktionsnedsättning
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
2013 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Title: Collaboration in BoDa-units. A qualitative study about collaboration regarding people with disabilities.

The purpose of this thesis was to internally examine the cooperation between different professions in municipal BoDa-units. By doing a qualitative study using focus-group-interviews in three municipalities, we were able to examine the personnel’s experience of cooperation issues and opportunities in BoDa-units. We have also examined why municipals have introduced BoDa-units and how they work. Those BoDa-units we have examined addresses persons who are severely mentally disabled and with multiple disabilities but also to persons with autism and disruptive behaviour. The personnel working with the users of these services works both at the home with special services and at the daily activity. The unit operations managers are responsible for the whole BoDa-unit. The results have been analysed through the theoretical starting points of actor network theory and system theory, but also via relevant literature and the LSS-legislation. The result showed that the creations of the BoDa-units are based on a comprehensive view on the individual users’ need of safety, environmental adaptation and a structured way of work. The conclusion of this study is that the co-operation benefits exceed the disadvantages and that the prospects for the BoDa-units are both positive and negative depending on which target group it addresses. 


Keywords: BoDa, Co-operation, LSS, Actor Network Theory, System Theory

Abstract [sv]

Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera intern samverkan mellan olika professioner i kommunala BoDa-enheter. Vi har med hjälp av kvalitativa fokusgruppintervjuer i tre kommuner undersökt personalens erfarenheter av samverkansproblem och -möjligheter i BoDa-enheterna Vi har också undersökt varför kommunerna infört BoDa-enheter och hur de fungerar. De BoDa-enheter där vi studerat intern samverkan riktar sig mot personer med svåra funktionsnedsättningar och mulithandikapp samt personer med autism och utagerande beteenden. De brukarnära medarbetarna arbetar både i brukarnas boende och deras dagliga verksamhet.  Enhetscheferna är ansvariga för hela BoDa-enheten. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna aktörsnätverk och systemteori, relevant litteratur samt centrala begrepp och lagstiftning. Resultatet visade att BoDa-enheterna införts utifrån en helhetssyn på enskilda brukares behov av trygghet, miljöanpassning och strukturerat arbetssätt. Slutsatsen var att samverkansfördelarna i dessa enheter med gränsöverskridande arbete överväger samverkansproblemen samt att framtidsutsikterna för BoDa-enheterna är både positiva och negativa beroende på vilken målgrupp verksamheten vänder sig mot. 

Nyckelord: BoDa, Samverkan, LSS, Aktörsnätverk, Systemteori

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2013. , p. 58
Keywords [en]
BoDa, Co-operation, LSS, Actor Network Theory, System Theory
Keywords [sv]
BoDa, Samverkan, LSS, Aktörsnätverk, Systemteori
National Category
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-16293Archive number: SGSMK-2013-9OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-16293DiVA, id: diva2:695334
Subject / course
Social work
Educational program
Social work
Available from: 2014-02-11 Created: 2014-02-09 Last updated: 2014-02-11Bibliographically approved

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