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Young Finnish Unemployed Men's Experiences of Having Participated in a Specific Active Labor Market Program
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Caring science. Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa, Finland.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Caring science. Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa, Finland.
Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa, Finland.
2017 (English)In: American Journal of Men's Health, ISSN 1557-9883, E-ISSN 1557-9891, Vol. 11, no 5, p. 1426-1435Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of the present study was to describe young Finnish unemployed men's experiences of having participated in a specific active labor market program, intended to fight unemployment and offered at a resource center. Fifteen young unemployed Finnish men in the age range 18 to 27 years were interviewed face-to-face. Purposive sampling was used to increase the variation among informants. The interview texts were analyzed using both manifest and latent qualitative content analysis. The present results reported that the young men felt that they, thanks to the program at the resource center, had acquired daily routines and could ultimately believe in the future. The young men described how they now had a structure, economic support, and that they could return to their daily life. The informants also described how they could see new possibilities and believe in oneself. There is a lack of empirical studies assessing the possible impact of active labor market programs on the unemployed based on participants' own experiences. Further research is needed to describe and elucidate in more detail the effects of targeted support measures and the needs of unemployed men of different ages and living in different contexts.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2017. Vol. 11, no 5, p. 1426-1435
Keywords [en]
active labor market programs, experiences, qualitative approach, unemployment, young men
National Category
Other Health Sciences
Research subject
Health-Promoting Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-20255DOI: 10.1177/1557988315604020ISI: 000415352200012PubMedID: 26345403Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85027730068OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-20255DiVA, id: diva2:853105
Den unga människans livsvillkorAvailable from: 2015-09-11 Created: 2015-09-11 Last updated: 2020-11-23Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. FRÅN LIVSLEDA TILL LIVSMOD : Unga människors erfarenheter av arbetslöshet och stödåtgärder
Open this publication in new window or tab >>FRÅN LIVSLEDA TILL LIVSMOD : Unga människors erfarenheter av arbetslöshet och stödåtgärder
2019 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The overall aim of this dissertation is to increase our understanding of what it is like to live as an unemployed young person, by looking at young people’s narratives. An additional aim is to explore and describe how unemployed young people’s experiences of participating in a support project can be understood from a caring science perspective. The overall questions addressed in the dissertation are: What does living in unemployment mean to a young person? How can a resource center for unemployed young people provide care? The dissertation includes a compilation of four scientific articles and an introductory chapter; it has a descriptive design and a hermeneutical approach. The dissertation starts from four meta-concepts used in caring science: human being, health, caring, and the world. These meta-concepts are the mainstays of the dissertation, at the same time as they give the research themes their caring science framework. The informants were 15 unemployed Finnish young men, aged 18-27 years, and 12 unemployed Finnish young women, aged 18-26 years. All had been out of work for between two and six months. The data were gathered by means of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were examined using content analysis and hermeneutic interpretation. To increase understanding of the dissertation’s themes as related to caring science, empirical results from the four studies were connected to elements of caring science theory taken from Katie Eriksson’s caritative caring theory. In summary, the results pertaining to the young men’s and women’s experiences of unemployment can be likened to a kind of suffering or weariness of life. Activities at the resource center for unemployed young people were characterized by Eriksson’s caring science concepts of tend, play and learn. Tending was revealed in how the young people were made to feel appreciated and accepted as the persons they were and are. The concepts play and learn were revealed in how the unemployed young people were given opportunities to express their dreams for the future and to dare to see other perspectives. At the resource center, positive caring powers could be identified – powers that worked together to enable the transition from suffering and weariness of life to a feeling of zest and the courage to face life. It can be established, in summary, that unemployment affects young people’s health. Not only for the unemployed individual, but also for society at large, it should be of great value to characterize the everyday life and reality of the unemployed at an early stage, and to move those who are suffering into a caring context in order to, if all goes well, replace weariness of life with the courage to face life.

Abstract [sv]

Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att utifrån unga människors berättelser få en ökad förståelse för hur det är att leva som ung och vara arbetslös. Ytterligare ett syfte är att utforska och beskriva hur unga arbetslösa människors erfarenheter av att ha deltagit i ett stödprojekt för arbetslösa kan förstås ur ett vårdande perspektiv. Avhandlingens övergripande frågeställningar är: Vad innebär det för en ung människa att leva som arbetslös? På vilket sätt kan ett resurscenter för unga arbetslösa vara vårdande? Avhandlingen, som är en sammanläggningsavhandling bestående av fyra vetenskapliga artiklar; har en deskriptiv design och en hermeneutisk forskningsansats. Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i de fyra vårdvetenskapliga metabegreppen; människa, hälsa, vårdande och världen. Dessa metabegrepp utgör avhandlingens grundpelare samtidigt som de ger forskningens tematik dess vårdvetenskapliga inramning. Informanterna bestod av 15 unga arbetslösa finska män i åldrarna 18-27 år samt 12 unga arbetslösa finska kvinnor i åldrarna 18-26 år som samtliga varit arbetslösa mellan två till sex månader. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna bearbetades dels med hjälp av innehållsanalys och dels genom hermeneutisk tolkning. För att öka förståelsen för avhandlingens vårdvetenskapliga tematik så kopplades empirinära resultat från de fyra delstudierna samman med vårdvetenskapliga teorifragment hämtade från Katie Erikssons caritativa vårdteori. Sammantaget kan resultaten vad gäller de unga männens och kvinnornas erfarenheter av arbetslöshet liknas vid ett slags lidande eller en livsleda. I verksamheten på resurscentret för unga arbetslösa framkom de av Eriksson uttalade vårdande begreppen ansa, leka och lära. Ansandet visade sig i form av att de unga människorna fick känna sig uppskattade och accepterade för dem de var och är. Leken och lärandet visade sig i form av att de unga arbetslösa kunde få uttrycka framtidsdrömmar och våga se andra perspektiv. På resurscentret kunde man identifiera goda vårdande krafter som samverkade för att möjliggöra färden från livsleda och lidande till livslust och livsmod. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att arbetslöshet påverkar den unga människans hälsa. Det borde vara värdefullt; inte bara för den arbetslöse enskilde individen; utan också för samhället i stort, att tidigt upptäcka de arbetslösas vardag och verklighet, slussa in dem i ett vårdande kontext för att därigenom i bästa fall kunna ersätta livsledan med livsmod.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Åbo: Åbo akademi, 2019
caring science, young people, unemployment, health, suffering, support measures, vårdvetenskap, unga människor, arbetslöshet, hälsa, lidande, stödåtgärder
National Category
Health Sciences
Research subject
Health-Promoting Work
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-30840 (URN)978-952-12-3870-3 (ISBN)978-952-12-3871-0 (ISBN)
Public defence
2019-10-18, Aud. Bruhn, Academill, Strandgatan 2, Vasa, 12:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2019-10-28 Created: 2019-10-28 Last updated: 2020-11-23Bibliographically approved

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Björklund, OveHäggström, Elisabeth

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