Despite the importance of cooperative business in local and world markets, empirical research addressing cross-border cooperative enterprises remains low. As cooperatives to be successful should contribute to local development and member democracy have cross-border cooperatives seen as a difficult process.
This study concerns the Statute for a European Co-operative Society. The aim is to create an understanding of the problems and possibilities relating to the development of cross-border co-operatives in the European Union. A survey is made and an account of the explanations given by actors on the importanse of a Statute on EU-level. Interviews have been conducted to identify opinions on issues concerning the establishment.
The following research questions are adressed:
*How does a cooperative statute on EU-level affect the development and the conditions within the cooperatives?
*What consequences does the statute have on the management, member democracy and the financing of the cooperative business?
The results indicate the Statute is influenced by the praxis within the cooperatives and makes possible for the enterprises to adapt to local and national conditions. It is argued, the EU, should create homogenous criteria about the co-operative character and define cooperative identity to facilitate the development of cross-border cooperatives.