Purpose: The purpose of this study is investigated to which extent TeliaSonera could increase the effectiveness of their external communications. I do that by identifying and suggesting a best practice content and message -process to successfully communicate with their key stakeholders. The purpose is also to put across to other companies and to the umwelt what my founded conclusions are and give them sufficient reasons to use the theory and to do a deeper study in the area.
Methodology: I have studied literature and I have done a deductive research at TeliaSonera and interviews both internal and external with key stakeholders and other successful companies in the area.
Theoretical perspective: The literature that I choose to read for this essay is within the field of external communication and investor relations. I also gather information from different articles and surveys that are written in the area yearly.
Conclusions: After having studied TeliaSonera Investor Relations department and the theory that I found I conclude that it is important for a company to sell/present their story in a nice package. I founded it very common that companies such as TeliaSonera have a clear goal with their external communications to their investors, but they forget how the stakeholders would like to have it presented. Instead TeliaSonera for an example presents the information in an unwrapped packaged. By doing that they loose credibility and the profitability goes down. My conclusion is therefore: - A company should have a clear and constant message with respect to respective stakeholder demand and that is neither if the story is bad or positive from the concerned point of view.
Contribution: The result of this study helps a company to understand how they could communicate with key stakeholders such us the long term investors - buyside analyst. It also gives an idea to others who would like to do a deeper study in the area.