In my PhD-thesis, constructions of RE teacher knowledge are investigated based on observations of six RE supervision trialogues in teacher education (Carlsson, 2016). In this paper I am returning to the empirical material from the thesis, investigating it from an ethics perspective: What discourses about ethics are articulated in RE teacher education supervision trialogues? Preliminary findings show that few articulations can be identified when searching for the terms ethics, moral and values. The next step in the research process includes the main research question - an attempt to investigate the non-articulated: Is ethics a present theme when exploring other statements that can be understood as different conceptions of ethics in light of ethical theories? To be able to answer this research question, an expanded understanding of the content of ethics/ethical competence must be at hand. My inspiration comes from a few different, but from this perspective related, views on ethics. In the Swedish school system, ethics is a part of the RE subject were a “multicultural ethical competence” must be developed (Franck, 2014, p. 198). In relation to Franck, the conception of understanding different others might also be considered the affinity of (aspects of) the ethical theories of Nussbaum (1995), Bauman (1996) and Benhabib (1994). I will use this conceptualization when exploring the empirical material and in that way be able to analyze the construction of the competent RE teacher in terms of ethics and/or ethical competence as a possible present, or missing, theme in RE teacher education supervision trialogues.