This report elaborate a vision of decentralized work organisation and especially the use of shop floor oriented computer system to support this. The focus is on industrial production. The report is divided into three parts.
The first part discuss the characteristics of future production concepts in industrial companies. The point of departure is that Swedish companies abandon Taylorist principles of organization. Alternative paths of rationalization are examined, e.g. Anthropocentric Productions System, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Lean Production, Total Quality Management and Time Based Management. A conclusion drawn is that future production concepts should be shop floor oriented.
The second part present a vision of this shop floor oriented concept. The vision is elaborated in terms of work organization, goal oriented group work and decentralized computer support. Primarily the principles and the concrete functions of new types of shop floor oriented computer systems are presented. This concern systems for production planning and control (Leitstand) and NC programming (WOP). Examples of graphics produced by these systems are given. An alternative CIM strategy based on these systems is also examined.
The third part discuss the process of change toward this new production concept. This is enlightened through two case studies.