Universal design for learning (UDL) is a well known theoretical platform, which isresponding to the issues of how to implement inclusion in everyday classroom based on teaching/learning settings regardless of learners’ age, whether small children or adults. UDL tries to unite the idea of reaching all students/learners and using a broad spectrum of didactical methods among teachers. Several basic dimensions will be introduced and discussed:
1. Provision of multiple means of representation (what alternatives of the instruction to learners could be performed, and what is the role of the AAC means, etc.).
2. Multiple means of action and expression (how students could ‘deliver’ their learning outputsand their AAC aids, etc.).
3. Optimisation of multiple means of engagement (meanings of values, autonomy, demands and interaction among learners, etc.).
4. Importance of translation and interpretation (how do learners and teacher understand each other).
AAC is perfectly suited to demonstrate the effectiveness of Universal design for learning and teaching. The presentation will give increate examples of this by video materials.