Influence of Social Media on Brand Awareness: A Study on Small Businesses
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Title: Influence of Social Media on Brand Awareness: A Study on Small Businesses
Authors: Eduardo Guerrero, Naveed Ahmad
Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-MalamaExaminer: Daniella Fjellström
Date: 2020 – January
Aim: The aim of this research study is to find the influence of social media marketing in smallbusinesses to create or increase brand awareness. Additionally, this study will analyze the rolethat social media platforms have in the relationship between customers and companies after theyare aware of the brand.
Methodology: A qualitative method is used in this research study based on the hermeneuticresearch tradition, in the form of semi-structured interviews from ten owners from smallbusinesses globally. We use an inductive approach in order to reach its intended goal. A thematicanalysis is included to find important themes within the interviews.
Result & Conclusions: Through interviews with the owners and partners of small businesses,and going over previously written literature on the matter, the authors of this study have come tothe conclusion that social media marketing highly influences small businesses in a positive wayin creating brand awareness. Additionally, there is a better understanding of how social mediahelps build a strong and good relationship between a business and customers.
Suggestions for Future Research: There is an interest for further studies by covering more smallbusiness. It will provide a higher contribution to the research if the customers were included inthe interviews or given surveys to complete. More authors should be interested in the continuanceof research for businesses that are small, either product or service organizations, and even therelationship they have not only between B2C but B2B as well, and lastly if a partnership affectsthe decision when it comes to investment for advertisement.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 53
Keywords [en]
Social Media Marketing, Small Businesses, Brand Awareness, Advertisements
National Category
Economics and Business
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-31672OAI:, id: diva2:1392939
Subject / course
Business administration
Educational program
Business administration – master’s programme (one year)
2020-02-252020-02-142020-02-25Bibliographically approved