Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den första tiden i yrket
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Bakgrund: Årligen examineras ca 4400 nya sjuksköterskor trots det fortsätter behovet av dem att öka. Faktorer som en snabb vårdutveckling har förändrat villkoren för omvårdnaden vilket har satt högre krav på sjuksköterskornas kunskap. Det har visat sig att studenter i termin sex saknat kunskaper inför deras examen. Syfte: Var att beskriva nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den första tiden i yrket. Metod: En litteraturstudie av deskriptiv design vilken baserades på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Huvudresultat: Artiklarnas resultat gav fem teman vilka var; att vara förberedd inför sin nya yrkesroll, handledning/introduktion, relationer i yrkesrollen, arbetsmiljö samt att växa in i sin yrkesroll. Resultatet visade att övergången från skola till arbetsliv upplevdes svårt. De var oförberedda på allt ansvar och hade stort behov av stöd den första tiden. Bra relationer med kollegor gav trygghet och gynnade utvecklingen medan dåliga relationer upplevdes skrämmande. Arbetsbelastning och stress gav till en början osäkerhet, vilket de med tiden lärde sig att hantera. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att övergången från skolan till yrkeslivet var svårt. Faktorer som för lite stöd, hög arbetsbelastning samt dåliga relationer med kollegor var negativt för deras utveckling. Bra stöd och handledning, samt positiva relationer med kollegor gav dem bättre upplevelser vilket gynnade deras framtidsutveckling. Om upplevelserna i denna litteraturstudie uppmärksammas kan det både generera i mer och bättre forskning inom området men den kan även vara till nytta för chefer och övrig erfaren personal så att förbättringar på plats kan göras där det finns brister.
Abstract [en]
Background: Despite the fact that approximately 4,400 new nurses are examined annually, the need for them continues to increase. Factors that a rapid development of care has changed the conditions for nursing have placed higher demands on the nurses' knowledge. It has been shown that students in semester six have lacked knowledge prior to their academic degree. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe newly graduated nurses’ experiences during their first time in practice. Method: A literature study of descriptive design which was based on 13 scientific articles. Main result: The results of the articles gave five themes which were; to be prepared for their new professional role, supervision / introduction, relationships in the professional role, work environment and to grow into their professional role. The results showed that the transition from school to working life was experienced as difficult. They were unprepared for all responsibility and had a great need for support at first. Good relationships with colleagues provided security and favored development, while bad relationships were perceived as frightening. Workload and stress initially gave insecurity, which they eventually learned to deal with. Conclusion: The results showed that the transition from school to working life was difficult. Factors such as too little support, high workload and poor relationships with colleagues were negative for their development. Good support and guidance, positive relationships with colleagues gave them better experiences, which benefited their future development. If the experiences in this literature study are noticed, it can both generate more and better research in the field, but it can also be useful for managers and other experienced staff so that improvements can be made on site where there are shortcomings.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 40
Keywords [en]
Experience, Newly graduated nurses, Novice, Transition.
Keywords [sv]
Novis, Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor, Transition, Upplevelser.
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-34282OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-34282DiVA, id: diva2:1501641
Subject / course
Educational program
2020-11-182020-11-172020-11-18Bibliographically approved