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Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Quenching Process on Rotary Hollow Cylinder by Multiple Impinging Jets
University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science, Energy Systems and Building Technology. (ATM-BEM)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3315-5610
2021 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The worldwide competitive market on metal products with higher quality in industry has increased the need to implement more advanced and controllable quenching techniques in the hardening stage of the heat treatment process. Moreover, sustainability and energy efficiency are key factors to consider in the development of advanced quenching techniques. Among various cooling methods that are used in industry, a water impinging jet quenching system is one of the few that offers wide flexibility to adjust cooling rate based on the chemical composition and proper phase transformation in the continuous cooling transformation diagram (CCT) to achieve desired material properties. On an industrial scale, a large number of water impinging jets are placed in the cooling configuration introducing multiple array of jets in the quenching system. In the literature study by the author, there has been interest to study the quenching heat transfer by single water jet in various applications. Even so, little scientific attention has been paid to the multiple array of water impinging jets and the importance of various quenching parameters on the quenching heat transfer with multiple array of jets. 

This thesis deals with a study of quenching rotary hot hollow cylinder with multiple configurations of water impinging jets. The aim of this investigation is to obtain better understanding of boiling heat transfer phenomena in application of multiple array of water impinging jets and quenching parameters. An experimental test rig was designed to control most influential parameters in quenching experiments. The results of experimental study contained recorded temperature data beneath the quenching surface of a hollow cylinder. A heat conduction inverse solution based on the GMRES method was developed for application of quenching hollow cylinder. This model used the recorded temperature data of quenching experiments to predict surface temperature and heat flux. A thorough parametric study investigated the effect of various quenching parameters and multiple configuration of jets in terms of local and area-averaged heat transfer over surface as well as in the solid material.

The local surface boiling curve captured clear effect of multiple array and cyclic variation of heat transfer caused by rotation of hollow cylinder. The delay in onset of wetting front flow growth over the surface, collision of adjacent wetting front flows and creation of upwash flow were captured on the surface heat flux contour plot. Higher heat flux was obtained around stagnation and upwash flow zones over the quenching surface. The relation between jet flow rate and multiple array configuration revealed a trade-off between these two parameters in terms of optimizing the water resource usage and desired cooling rate with this cooling technique.

Comprehensive parametric study revealed effect of various quenching parameters in the local heat transfer in the boiling regimes. The results show improvement of heat flux in the film and nucleate boiling is more difficult than transition boiling regime. In the study of area-averaged heat transfer in 1-row array, higher subcooling and jet flow rate enhance the surface heat flux. In contrast, smaller rotation speed, jet-to-jet spacing and initial wall-superheat temperature increase the area-averaged surface heat flux of hollow cylinder. An extra row of nozzles in the array (2-row) also enhanced the area-averaged surface heat flux significantly. The results from comprehensive parametric study of 4-row in-line and staggered configurations have been used to propose correlation for surface area-averaged Nusselt number. In the local heat transfer, two correlations of average and maximum local heat flux at stagnation point of water impinging jet were proposed.

The result of this study and the proposed correlations may provide a road map for engineers to design hollow cylinder quenching system with multiple array of water impinging jets based on cooling rate for proper phase transformation and optimized water resource and energy usage in the quenching process.

Abstract [sv]

Den världsomspännande konkurrenskraftiga marknaden för metallprodukter med högre kvalitet i branschen har ökat behovet av att implementera mer avancerade och kontrollerbara kylningstekniker i härdningsfasen av värmebehandlingsprocessen. Dessutom är hållbarhet och energieffektivitet nyckelfaktorer att beakta vid utvecklingen av avancerade kylningstekniker. Bland de olika kylmetoderna som används i industrin är kylningssystem med impinging jetstrålar ett av få som erbjuder bred flexibilitet för att justera kylhastigheten baserat på den kemiska sammansättningen och korrekt fasomvandling i CCT diagrammet (continues cooling transformation) för att uppnå önskade materialegenskaper. I industriell skala placeras ett stort antal impinging jetstrålar för vatten i kylkonfigurationen, vilket introducerar matriser av jetstrålar i kylningssystemet. I författarens litteraturstudier har det funnits intresse för att studera värmeöverföringen med en impinging jetstråle i olika applikationer. Trots det har föga vetenskaplig uppmärksamhet ägnats åt matriser av impinging jetstrålar och vikten av olika kylningsparametrar för denna kylteknik.

Denna avhandling behandlar studier av härdning av en roterande varm ihålig cylinder med flera konfigurationer av impinging jetstrålar. Syftet med undersökningen är att få bättre förståelse för värmeöverföringsfenomen p.g.a. kokning vid användning av matriser av vattenstrålar med impinging jettekniken och olika härdningsparametrar. En experimentell testrigg utformades för att undersöka de mest påverkande parametrarna i härdnings-experimentet. Resultaten av de experimentella studierna innehöll mättade temperaturdata under den ihåliga cylindersytan. En inversvärmeledningslösning baserad på GMRES-metoden utvecklades för applicering vid kylning av en ihålig cylinder. Denna modell använde mättade temperaturdata från härdningsexperimentet för att förutsäga yttemperatur och värmeflöde. Vid en grundlig parametrisk studie undersöktes effekten av olika härdningsparametrar och matriser av jetstrålar avseende lokal och areagenomsnittlig värmeöverföring på ytan och i det kompakta materialet. Ytans lokala kokningskurva visade tydlig effekt av de impinging jetstrålarna och variation av värmeöverföringen orsakad av rotationen av den ihåliga cylindern. Fördröjningen av starten av vätningen av främre flödetillväxten över ytan, kollisionen mellan intilliggande vätfrontströmmar och skapande av uppåtriktat flöde noterades på ytans värmeflöde. Högre värmeflöde erhölls runt stagnations- och uppströmszonen över den härdande ytan. Förhållandet mellan jetstrålarna vattenflöde och konfigurationen med matriser av jetstrålar avslöjade en avvägning mellan dessa två parametrar för att optimera vattenresursanvändningen och önskad kylningshastighet med denna kylteknik.

En omfattande parametrisk studie visade effekten av olika kylningsparametrar i den lokala värmeöverföringen i kokningsprocessen. Resultaten visade förbättring av värmeflödet i film kokningen och att nucleate kokningen är svårare än transient kokningsformen. I studien av areagenomsnittlig värmeöverföring i 1-rad förbättras värmeflödet med högre vattnets temperatur och flöde. Däremot ökar det beräknade värmeflödet med lägre rotationshastighet, avståndet mellan strålarna och cylinders initialtemperatur. En extra rad av munstycken i strålmatrisen (2-radig) förbättrade också värmesflödet avsevärt. Resultaten från en omfattande parametrisk studie av fyra rader munstycken i inline och staggered konfigurationer har använts för att föreslå korrelation med ytans medel Nusselt-tal. I den lokala värmeöverföringen föreslogs två korrelationer av genomsnittligt och maximalt lokalt värmeflöde vid stagnationspunkten för en impinging jet.

Resultatet av denna studie och de föreslagna korrelationerna kan vara en vägledning för ingenjörer för att utforma ihåligt cylindriska släckningssystem med matriser av impinging jetstrålar, baserat på kylhastighet för korrekt fasomvandling och optimerad vattenresurs och energianvändning i kylningsprocessen.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2021. , p. 70
Doctoral thesis ; 17
Keywords [en]
Multiple jet arrays, Transient boiling, Moving surface, Rotating surface, Inverse heat conduction problem, Quenching, Water impinging jet, Experimental study
Keywords [sv]
Matriser av jetstrålar, Direktverkande jetstrålar, Transient kokning, Roterande yta, Icke-stationär invers värmeledning, Släckning, Experimentell studie
National Category
Energy Engineering Applied Mechanics
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-34458ISBN: 978-91-88145-58-1 (print)ISBN: 978-91-88145-59-8 (electronic)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-34458DiVA, id: diva2:1505531
Public defence
2021-02-19, 12:108, Kungsbäcksvägen 47, Gävle, 10:15 (English)
Swedish Energy Agency, 38492-1Available from: 2021-01-27 Created: 2020-12-01 Last updated: 2024-08-29Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Experimental study of quenching process on a rotating hollow cylinder by one row of impinging jets
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Experimental study of quenching process on a rotating hollow cylinder by one row of impinging jets
2017 (English)In: 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil, 2017Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Quenching cooling rate of rotary hollow cylinder by one row of water impinging jets has been experimentallystudied. Water jets (d = 8 mm) with sub-cooling 55 to 85°C and Reynolds number 8,006 to 36,738 impinged over rotaryhot hollow cylinder (rotation speed 10 to 70 rpm) with initial temperature 250 to 600°C. Impingement impact angle of row of jets varied between 0 to 135° and jet-to-jet spacing in row patten was 2 to 8d. The results revealed more uniformityon cooling rate of quenching in smaller jet-to-jet spacing (2 and 4d) where wetting front regions are located closer toneighbor jet’s region. By increasing spacing, footprint of annular transition region was highlighted in quenching coolingrate contour. A distinct quenching characteristic was obtained for impingement impact angle of 0° compare to otherangles. With initial temperature above the Leidenfrost temperature, low cooling rate was achieved in film and transitionboiling compare to a steep increase of cooling rate at start of quenching with higher maximum heat transfer for experimentswith initial temperatures less than Leidenfrost temperature. The effect of other parameters on quenching coolingrate was highlighted in film and transition boiling while no significant differences were observed in nucleate boiling.

Experimental study, Multiple impinging jets, Rotating surface, Quenching, Transient boiling
National Category
Energy Engineering Applied Mechanics
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-25131 (URN)
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil
Swedish Energy Agency

Digital conference proceedings distributed to participants.

Available from: 2017-08-31 Created: 2017-08-31 Last updated: 2022-09-19Bibliographically approved
2. Transient inverse heat conduction problem of quenching a hollow cylinder by one row of water jets
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Transient inverse heat conduction problem of quenching a hollow cylinder by one row of water jets
2018 (English)In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN 0017-9310, E-ISSN 1879-2189, Vol. 117, p. 748-756Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this study, a two-dimensional linear transition inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP) was solved using the Generalized Minimal Residual Method (GMRES) in quenching process by water jets. The inverse solution method was validated by set of artificial data and solution sensitivity analysis was done on data noise level, regularization parameter, cell size, etc. An experimental study has been carried out on quenching a rotary hollow cylinder by one row of subcooled water jets. The inverse solution approach enabled prediction of surface temperature and heat flux distribution of test specimen in the quenching experiments by using measured internal specimen temperature. Three different boiling curves were defined in the quenching process of a rotary cylinder. Result obtained by the inverse solution showed clear footprint of rotation in surface temperature and heat flux on each revolution of cylinder and temperature variation damping from quenching surface toward interior of specimen.

Inverse heat conduction problem Generalized minimal residual method Water impinging jet Quenching Moving surface
National Category
Energy Engineering Applied Mechanics
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-25563 (URN)10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.10.048 (DOI)000417963300066 ()2-s2.0-85032855752 (Scopus ID)
7644 Ett nytt kylningskoncept – del II
Swedish Energy Agency
Available from: 2017-11-22 Created: 2017-11-22 Last updated: 2022-09-19Bibliographically approved
3. Quenching a rotary hollow cylinder by multiple configurations of water-impinging jets
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Quenching a rotary hollow cylinder by multiple configurations of water-impinging jets
2019 (English)In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN 0017-9310, E-ISSN 1879-2189, Vol. 137, p. 124-137Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Experiments have been conducted to analyze quenching of a hot rotary hollow cylinder by one and two rows of water-impinging jets. Sub-cooled water jets (ΔTsub = 45–85 K) with flow rate 8006 to 36,738 impinged on hollow cylinder with rotation speed 10 to 70 rpm at various initial wall superheat temperatures from 250 to 600ºC. Jet-to-jet and jet-to-surface spacing varied between 4 to 10d and 1.5 to 7d respectively and angular position of impinging jets were tested from 0 to 135º. Effectiveness of the defined parameters on stagnation point’s local average heat flux was found lower in the film and nucleate boiling compare to transition boiling regime where rotation speed had the highest impact. Characteristic of maximum heat flux (MHF) at stagnation point and upwash flow point were analyzed based on surface heat flux, time and temperature corresponding to MHF. Same maximum heat flux levels were captured in the both points which reveals importance of the flow behavior at the upwash flow point. The effectiveness of the parameters to improve average heat transfer was studied based on cooling area of each water impingingjet in the multiple configurations. Higher average heat transfer was obtained by increasing flow rate and subcooling temperature and lower initial wall superheat temperature corresponding to onset of transition boiling regime.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2019
Multiple water impinging jets, Transient boiling, Moving surface, Inverse heat conduction problem, Quenching
National Category
Applied Mechanics Other Mechanical Engineering
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-29428 (URN)10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.03.066 (DOI)000469154600012 ()2-s2.0-85063252091 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency, 38492-1
Available from: 2019-04-01 Created: 2019-04-01 Last updated: 2021-02-17Bibliographically approved
4. Effect of Multiple Water Impinging Jet Array on Quenching Hot Rotary Hollow Cylinders
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Effect of Multiple Water Impinging Jet Array on Quenching Hot Rotary Hollow Cylinders
2020 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Experimental study has been carried out to investigate transient quenching of a rotary hollow cylinder by water impinging jets in multiple jet arrays. Subcooled water jets (Δ𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑏= 55-85K) were placed into two types of nozzle arrays: 1-row and 2-row in-line array. The flow rate of water jets varied from 2.7 to 10.9 L/min, impinging on hot rotary cylinder (𝑇𝑖 =600℃) with rotation speed 10-50 rpm and different curvature ratio (𝐷𝑜/d = 12, 19 and 24). The local average and maximum boiling heat transfer at water jet’s stagnation point revealed effect of studied quenching parameters and multiple jet arrays in the boiling heat transfer. The result showed among the studied parameters, jet’s flow rate and curvature ratio influenced heat transfer in all the boiling regimes. Rotation speed was effective in film and transition boiling regime and strong effect of subcooling was captured in the transition boiling regime. The characteristics of maximum heat flux point in the boiling curve were found to be dependent on the studied quenching parameters as well as array of nozzles. Multiple jet arrays had effect on the spatial variation and rate of boiling heat transfer on quenching surface. Higher area-averaged and maximum surface heat flux was obtained by 2-row array while array’s total flow rate was kept constant. It was found that by impinging constant water flow rate into the jets, 2-row array with twice the number of impinging jets enhanced heat transfer significantly in film and transition boiling regime in combination with other quenching parameters.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Ottawa, Canada: International ASET Inc., 2020
FFHMT, ISSN 2369-3029
Multiple jet arrays, Transient boiling, Rotating surface, Inverse heat conduction problem, Quenching, Water impinging jet
National Category
Applied Mechanics Energy Engineering Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-34265 (URN)10.11159/ffhmt20.171 (DOI)2-s2.0-85097254522 (Scopus ID)978-1-927877-59-3 (ISBN)
7th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’20) (virtual)
Swedish Energy Agency, 38492-1
Available from: 2020-11-16 Created: 2020-11-16 Last updated: 2022-12-01Bibliographically approved
5. Boiling heat transfer characteristics of rotary hollow cylinders with in-line and staggered multiple arrays of water jets
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Boiling heat transfer characteristics of rotary hollow cylinders with in-line and staggered multiple arrays of water jets
2021 (English)In: Journal of heat transfer, ISSN 0022-1481, E-ISSN 1528-8943, Vol. 143, no 11, article id 111601Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Transient heat transfer studies of quenching rotary hollow cylinders with in-line and staggered multiple arrays of jets have been carried out experimentally. The study involves three hollow cylinders (Do/d = 12 to 24) with rotation speed 10 to 50 rpm, quenched by subcooled water jets (∆Tsub=50-80 K) with jet flow rate 2.7 to 10.9 L/min. The increase in area-averaged and maximum heat flux over quenching surface (Af ) has been observed in the studied multiple arrays with constant Qtotal compared to previous studies. Investigation of radial temperature distribution at stagnation point of jet reveals that the footprint of configuration of 4-row array is highlighted in radial distances near the outer surface and vanishes further down toward the inner surface. The influence of the main quenching parameters on local average surface heat flux at stagnation point is addressed in all the boiling regimes where the result indicates jet flow rate provides strongest effect in all the boiling regimes. Effectiveness of magnitude of maximum heat flux in the boiling curve for the studied parameters is reported. The result of spatial and temporal heat flux by radial conduction in the solid presents projection depth of cyclic variation of surface heat flux in the radial axis as it disappears near inner surface of hollow cylinder. In addition, correlations are proposed for area- averaged Nusselt number as well as average and maximum local heat flux at stagnation point of jet for the in-line and staggered multiple arrays.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ASME, 2021
Multiple jet arrays, Transient boiling, Rotating surface, Inverse heat conduction problem, Quenching, Water impinging jet
National Category
Energy Engineering Applied Mechanics
Research subject
Intelligent Industry
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-34455 (URN)10.1115/1.4051835 (DOI)000702936600005 ()2-s2.0-85114862382 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency, 38492-1
Available from: 2020-11-29 Created: 2020-11-29 Last updated: 2021-10-15Bibliographically approved

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