Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the common understanding of the variety of simplifications in LCA, by reviewing what simplification approaches are used in LCA research, and how these simplifications can be categorised. This may contribute to better sharing of LCA results for decision-making, through more transparent reporting, and with consistent terminology of simplifications in LCA.
Methods: The basis for this study is a systematic literature review of simplification approaches in LCA, including both previously published overviews of categories of LCA simplification approaches and LCA case studies using different simplification approaches. The PRISMA statement protocol (Moher et al., 2009) was used to minimize the risk of bias, increase scientific validity, and provide guidelines for conducting the review.
Results and discussion: The simplification approaches identified were grouped according to the element being simplified. Initially, six simplification approaches were identified based on previous categories. However, not all simplification approaches found in case studies fit into these six previously published simplification categories; these simplification approaches were therefore examined, and four additional categories were identified.The identified simplification categories were mapped and explained in terms of their role in the different stages of the LCA framework. Our results support the idea that simplifications in LCA are most often motivated by a lack of data. Most simplifications target the inventory analysis step, with an aim to reduce the inventory analysis effort.
Conclusions and recommendations: There is a need for a common simplification terminology and reporting standard. Due to the wide variety of purposes, scenarios, and products assessed, it is impossible to devise a one-size-fits-all approach for simplifications. Transparent reporting of simplification approaches used in an LCA study requires that they be described, the motivation for their use be explained, and their influence be evaluated; this will ultimately aid the study's audience in interpreting and comparing the results.
Springer , 2021. Vol. 26, p. 50-63