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Impact of country of origin on consumer purchase intention among Pakistani customers buying fashion clothes online
University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Business and Economic Studies.
2022 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Title: Impact of country of origin on consumer purchase intention amongPakistani customers buying fashion clothes onlineLevel: Master Programme in Business Administration (MBA): Business ManagementAuthor: Hafiz Azhar Ahmed KhanSupervisor: Dr. Ehsanul Huda Chowdhury & Dr. Katarina ArbinExaminer: Dr. Daniella FjellströmDate: March 2022Aim: The research study investigates the impact of country of origin on consumerpurchase intention through consumer preference for Pakistani consumers buying fashioncloth online.Method: The study is using a quantitative research method Data has been collectedthrough a questionnaire that 157 respondents answered. Results were analyzed throughSPSS.Results & Conclusions: The results of this study show that country of origin andconsumer purchase intention has a significant relationship with each other, andconsumer preference mediates the relationship between the variables. Furthermore, itdepicts that when consumers take the country of origin positively, their purchaseintention also becomes positive and vice versa. Further, it has also been found thatconsumer preference builds a strong relationship between a country of origin andpurchase intention.Contribution of the thesis: The current idea has contributed to research related to thecountry of origin because there is no specific study in the Pakistani context which hasstudied the impact of country of origin on consumer preference and how preference canmediate the country of origin‘s effect on consumer purchase intention. In both ways,current research has explained how Country of origin is positively changing preferencesof fashion clothes, and mediation of consumer preference is also proven. It extends theliterature on the Country of origin concerning new context and new mediating variables.It makes the findings of the theory of planned behavior more significant for extrinsiciicues. It also guides managers to schedule their ads and marketing strategies to makethem more successful and competitive.Suggestions for future research: Future researchers should take the current research tothe next level and identify more outcomes of country of origin, such as how it can betterbrand equity or Sales volume. Furthermore, comparative studies can be conducted inwhich a developing and developed country can be specified. Responses for bothcountries should be obtained separately, and then differences can be brought to see themultilevel impact of country of origin. Another suggestion for future research is toconduct a comparative study between online and physical shoppers as the currentresearch was limited to online fashion clothes only

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 53
Keywords [en]
Country of origin, Consumer preference, Consumer purchase intention, and Fashion clothes.
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-38382OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-38382DiVA, id: diva2:1650800
Subject / course
Business administration
Educational program
Business administration – master’s programme (one year)
Available from: 2022-04-11 Created: 2022-04-08 Last updated: 2022-04-11Bibliographically approved

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