Background: Depression manifests as neurological and psychiatric disorders.Depression is a kind of emotional disorder accompanied by mental retardation symptoms,but also can lead to a variety of functional physical disorders.It can be gradual, can besudden.Its development process varies from person to person, affects people'spsychological and physiological, decreases people's quality of life.Depression is theleading cause of death among the elderly, and the prevalence rate is rising rapidly. Somestudies have shown that aerobic exercise interventions can decrease depression anddepressive disorder in elderly.Aim: To describe the effect of aerobic exercise intervention on depression anddepressive disorder in the elderly.Method: Quantitative literature search was conducted using keywords input fromPubMed and CINAHL databases to understand the influence of aerobic exerciseintervention on depression and depressive disorder in the elderly, and the results wereanalyzed and discussed.Result: Nine studies that met inclusion criteria were included in the review through acomprehensive search. These reviews found that different aerobic interventions, such asyoga, walking and high-intensity progressive exercise, can contribute to depression inelderly. Yoga and high-intensity progressive exercise are often used. In addition, the mostcommonly used duration of intervention was found to be 24 weeks.Conclusion: The review suggests that aerobic exercise interventions can effectivelydecrease depression, depressive disorder and anxiety and improve quality of life in elderly.This suggests that aerobic exercise interventions can be used in clinical care of elderlywith depression or depressive disorder. However, this finding comes from a number ofrandomized controlled studies, some of which have limitations, such as not beingcomprehensive and having a small sample size. To improve effectiveness, more researchis needed to explore further.Keywords: Aerobic exercise intervention, elderly, depression, depressive disorder.