Background: With the development of clinical nursing, more and more cancer orstroke survivors, how to better promote the rehabilitation of stroke or cancer patientshas received more and more attention, and storytelling as a low-cost, less risky nursingintervention began to receive more and more attention. The use of storytelling as a formof therapy has important implications for patients with cancer or stroke.Aim: To describe the impact of storytelling on stroke or cancer patients.Methods: Search in PubMed database, carefully read all articles retrieved, compare allresults, and classify according to similarity.Results: In the end, a total of 8 articles were included in the review, and three themeswere drawn from the findings: 1) Psychological effects of storytelling on patients; 2)Physiological effects of storytelling on patients; 3) Effects of storytelling on patients’social relationshipConclusion: Storytelling can help cancer or stroke patients release negative emotionsand mental pressure, improve patients' quality of life, and let more people understandthe disease experience of cancer or stroke patients. Storytelling should be used bynurses to reduce or eliminate the psychosocial impact of stroke or cancer and to promotehealing.