Background: Menopause is an inevitable process that women go through throughouttheir lives. But most women don't take this period seriously, often ignoring the effectsof menopause. In fact, menopause is a very critical period, and there are significantdifferences in the menopausal experiences of women around the world. Given theunique cultural and social norms of Asian countries, women may face additionalchallenges during menopause. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand theexperiences and needs of Asian women going through menopause in order to increasetheir health awareness and concept of healthy living, so that they can receive bettersupport and promote the development of nursing in women's health.Aim: To describe the experience of Asian women going through menopause.Design: Descriptive review of qualitative studies.Methods: Literature review was carried out by using keywords in PubMed, and theresults were analyzed and discussed.Results: A total of ten articles were included in the review. The main results of thisstudy can be summarized into four categories: 1) physical changes; 2) Psychologicalchanges; 3) The effect on sex life; 4) Influence on social life. Asian women who havegone through menopause will notice that their physical changes are often differentbefore, perimenopause and after menopause. At the same time, their different attitudesto menopause can bring about corresponding psychological changes, which can bepositive, negative or neutral. In addition, physical and psychological changes willaffect the sexual and social lives of these women.Conclusions: In addition to the physical and psychological pain experienced by Asianwomen going through menopause, their sex and social lives suffer. In this regard, asnursing workers, need to develop personalized nursing plan according to the actualsituation of patients, especially to pay attention to the psychological nursing ofmenopausal women, so that menopausal women happier through this period.Keywords: Asian, experience, menopause, women