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Utilization of local bioresources for transport fuels - System analysis for decision support
University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science, Environmental Science.
2023 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This thesis presents a comprehensive system analysis of the utilization of biowaste and forest industry residues to produce transportation fuels. It explores various aspects such as the constraints to the production system’s value chain development, the utilization of the geographical proximity of biofuel technology innovation system components, environmental impacts, and economic costs. The primary goal is to establish a knowledge base that can aid regional policymakers and decision-makers in formulating informed policies for the efficient management of local bioresources for transport fuel production. By addressing these aspects, the study seeks to contribute to the wider discourse on efficient local bioresource management and transition to a low-carbon economy. The focused bioresources in this thesis are municipal biowaste and forest industry residues (i.e., sawdust, black liquor, crude tall oil, and fiber waste of the pulp and paper industry). The study focuses on three systems: i) biowaste to biogas for transport, ii) biowaste and sawdust to hydrogen, and iii) forest industry residues to liquid biofuels for transport.

The biofuel policy instruments in Sweden have proven to be effective in introducing alternative transport fuels, particularly in big cities or urban areas. The results of the biowaste to biogas value chain analysis show that development in the Gävleborg region is stagnated throughout the value chain compared to the national average. This stagnation is mainly attributed to local geodemographic factors. The identified obstacles to development include a lack of regional political agreement regarding the use of biogas as a viable transport fuel, insufficient connectivity and communication among the various regional actors and stakeholders, and a limited understanding among stakeholders of the potential and socio-economic impacts of biogas. 

The environmental and economic assessment of hydrogen production from biowaste and sawdust is performed from a life cycle perspective, using SimaPro LCA software and CML-IA, 2001 impact assessment method. Economic analysis includes capital and operational expenditures and monetization cost of life cycle environmental impacts. The results show that hydrogen production from biowaste has a higher global warming, photochemical oxidant, and freshwater eutrophication potential than sawdust. Biowaste conversion to hydrogen performs far better in ozone depletion, terrestrial ecotoxicity, abiotic depletion-fossil, abiotic depletion, human toxicity, and freshwater ecotoxicity potential. The fossil energy inputs in biogas and pyrolysis oil reforming, emissions from the digestate treatment, storage, and utilization as bio-fertilizer are the main contributing processes to the overall environmental impacts of biowaste and sawdust conversion to hydrogen. 

The sensitivity analysis of the LCA results indicates that feedstock to biogas/pyrolysis oil yield ratio and the type of energy source for the reforming process can significantly influence the results, particularly climate change, abiotic depletion, and human toxicity. 

The life cycle cost (LCC) analysis reveals that the production of hydrogen from biowaste exhibits a lower cost compared to sawdust. This significant cost reduction in the biowaste case can be attributed to lower variable operating expenses (OPEX), primarily due to the price of the biowaste itself. Whereas, in the sawdust case, the feedstock contributes the highest percentage (54%) to the system's OPEX, indicating that variable OPEX is highly sensitive to sawdust prices. Additionally, the capital investment required for the biowaste case was 50% lower, which further contributes to the lower overall LCC compared to the sawdust case.

The results of forest industry residues to liquid biofuel technology development and the utilization of system components in geographical proximity indicate that geographical proximity can significantly influence the system’s structural growth, trajectory, and development pace. An adapted version of the technological innovation system (TIS) framework was operationalized with the lens of geographical proximity utilization of the system components to the technology development and diffusion. The method of data acquisition involved document analysis and interviews with subsystem actors. The study found that the development of the system is hampered by competition between technologies and low utilization of geographical proximity of the system components, which was partly attributed to a lack of network among subsystem actors and with the national TIS structure. 

Bioresources in Gävleborg are present in substantial amounts, particularly biowaste from agriculture, the food industry, and households, as well as biomass from the forest industry, which have the potential to be utilized for transport fuel production. However, the evolution of their utilization to power transportation in Gävleborg has been delayed in comparison to several other regions in Sweden. In the case of the technology development of forest industry residue-based transport fuels, the utilization of geographical proximity of artefacts and institutions has played a crucial role. Significant strides have been accomplished in diverse technology domains. However, these advancements have faced obstacles, partially due to the rivalry among system actors aiming to secure a competitive edge in acquiring both knowledge and capital resources and the underutilization of the geographical proximity of actors and industry networks. 

Based on these research findings, recommendations are provided to support policy and strategy aiming to enhance the utilization of local bioresources for transportation fuels sustainably and cost-effectively with increased local benefits. For example, the study recommends addressing the identified local political, communication, and networking issues, along with integrating regional geodemographic conditions into national biofuel policies and measures. By addressing identified challenges, the Gävleborg region can overcome the stagnation in bioresource to transportation fuel technological systems development and leverage its significant potential.

This thesis adds valuable insights to the sustainability transition literature about the environment, economy, and the geography of innovation processes. The findings highlight the need for policy interventions to foster collaboration, coordination, and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, as well as support for the development and commercialization of emerging technologies, including forest-based transport fuel technologies. The analysis of cost and environmental impacts of bioresource utilization for hydrogen production provides insights into the potential trade-offs and benefits of different feedstocks and impact categories. The study provides important input for policy and strategy development towards a more sustainable and cost-effective use of local bioresources for transport fuel production in Gävleborg. This study can also serve as a valuable reference for researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in the sustainable utilization of renewable resources for biofuel production, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in this critical area.

Abstract [sv]

Denna avhandling presenterar en omfattande systemanalys av utnyttjandet av bioavfall och skogsindustriella restprodukter för att producera drivmedel. Den utforskar olika aspekter såsom begränsningarna för produktionssystemens värdekedjeutveckling, utnyttjandet av den geografiska närheten till biobränsleteknik, innovationssystemkomponenter, miljöpåverkan och ekonomiska kostnader. Det primära målet är att etablera en kunskapsbas som kan hjälpa regionala beslutsfattare att formulera välgrundade policyer för effektiv förvaltning av lokala bioresurser för drivmedelsproduktion. Genom att ta itu med dessa aspekter försöker studien bidra till den bredare diskursen om effektiv lokal bioresursförvaltning och övergång till en koldioxidsnål ekonomi. De studerade bioresurserna i denna avhandling är kommunalt bioavfall och skogsindustrins restprodukter (d.v.s. sågspån, svartlut, råtallolja och fiberavfall från massa- och pappersindustrin). Studien fokuserar på tre system: i) Bioavfall till biogas för transport, ii) Bioavfall och sågspån till vätgas, och iii) Skogsindustrins restprodukter till flytande biobränslen för transporter.

De politiska styrmedlen för biodrivmedel i Sverige har visat sig vara effektiva för att införa alternativa drivmedel, särskilt i storstäder eller tätorter. Resultaten av värdekedjeanalysen från bioavfall till biogas visar att utvecklingen i Gävleborgsregionen stagnerat i hela värdekedjan jämfört med riksgenomsnittet. Denna stagnation tillskrivs främst lokala geodemografiska faktorer. De identifierade lokala faktorer som hämmar utvecklingen är brist på regional politisk samsyn om biogas som drivmedel, bristande nätverk och kommunikation mellan regionala aktörer och intressenter samt otillräcklig kunskap hos intressenterna om biogaspotentialen och dess socioekonomiska konsekvenser.

Den miljömässiga och ekonomiska bedömningen av vätgasproduktion från bioavfall och sågspån utförs ur ett livscykelperspektiv med hjälp av SimaPro LCA-programvara och CML-IA, 2001 konsekvensbedömningsmetod. Den ekonomiska analysen inkluderar kapital- och driftsutgifter och intäktsgenerering, samt kostnad för miljöpåverkan under livscykeln. Resultaten visar att vätgasproduktion från bioavfall har högre potentiellt bidrag till global uppvärmning, bildning av fotokemiska oxidanter och sötvattenövergödning än sågspån. Medan omvandling av bioavfall till väte presterar mycket bättre vad gäller potential för ozonnedbrytning, terrestrisk ekotoxicitet, abiotisk utarmning - fossil, abiotisk utarmning, mänsklig toxicitet och sötvattenekotoxicitet. Fossil energitillförsel i biogas och pyrolysoljereformering, utsläpp från rötrestbehandling, lagring och användning som biogödsel är de viktigaste bidragande processerna till den totala miljöpåverkan från omvandling av bioavfall och sågspån till väte.

Känslighetsanalysen av LCA-resultaten indikerar att förhållandet mellan råmaterial och biogas/pyrolys-olja och typen av energikälla för reformeringsprocessen kan påverka resultaten avsevärt, särskilt potential för klimatförändringar, abiotisk utarmning och mänsklig toxicitet. 

 Livscykelkostnadsanalysen (LCC) visar att produktionen av vätgas från bioavfall ger en lägre kostnad jämfört med sågspån. Denna betydande kostnadsminskning för bioavfall kan hänföras till lägre rörliga driftskostnader (OPEX), främst på grund av priset på själva bioavfallet. När det gäller sågspån bidrar råvaran med den högsta andelen (54 %) till systemets OPEX, vilket indikerar att variabeln OPEX är mycket känslig för sågspånspriser. Dessutom var kapitalinvesteringen som krävdes för bioavfallet 50% lägre, vilket ytterligare bidrar till den lägre totala livscykelkostnaden jämfört med sågspånsfallet.

Resultaten från studien av skogsindustrins rester till flytande drivmedels teknikutveckling och utnyttjande av geografisk närhet mellan systemkomponenterna indikerar att de geografiska närhetväsentligt kan påverka systemets strukturella tillväxt, utvecklingsbana och -takt. En anpassad version av ramverket för teknologiska innovationssystem (TIS) operationaliserades med fokus på utnyttjande av geografisk närhet mellan systemkomponenter för teknikutveckling och spridning. Metoden för datainsamling involverade dokumentanalys och intervjuer med delsystemaktörer. Studien fann att utvecklingen av systemet hämmas av konkurrens mellan tekniker och lågt utnyttjande av geografisk närhet mellan systemkomponenter, vilket delvis berodde på bristandenätverk bland delsystemaktörer och den nationella TIS-strukturen. 

Bioresurser i Gävleborg finns i betydande mängder, särskilt bioavfall från jordbruks- och livsmedelsindustrin och från hushållen, samt biomassa från skogsindustrin, som har potential att utnyttjas för drivmedelsproduktion. Utvecklingen av deras användning för att driva transporter i Gävleborg har dock försenats jämfört med flera andra regioner i Sverige. När det gäller teknikutvecklingen för drivmedel från skogsindustrins restprodukter har utnyttjandet av geografisk närhet mellan artefakter och institutioner spelat en avgörande roll. Framstegen har dock delvis hindrats av rivalitet mellan tekniker och underutnyttjande av aktörernas och branschnätverkens geografiska närhet.  

Baserat på dessa forskningsresultat ges rekommendationer för att stödja politik och strategier som syftar till att öka utnyttjandet av lokala bioresurser för transportbränslen på ett hållbart och kostnadseffektivt sätt med ökad lokal nytta. Studien rekommenderar till exempel att man tar itu med de identifierade lokala politiska, kommunikations- och nätverksfrågorna, och samtidigt verkar för att integrera de regionala geodemografiska förhållandena i den nationella biobränslepolitiken. Genom att adressera identifierade utmaningar kan Gävleborgsregionen övervinna stagnationen i utvecklingen av tekniska system för bioresurser till drivmedel och utnyttja dess betydande potential.

Denna avhandling tillför värdefulla insikter till litteraturen om hållbar omställning om miljö, ekonomi och innovationsprocessers geografi. Resultaten belyser behovet av politiska insatser för att främja samarbete, samordning och kunskapsdelning mellan intressenter, samt stöd för utveckling och kommersialisering av ny teknik, inklusive skogsbaserad drivmedelsteknik. Analysen av kostnader och miljöpåverkan för bioresursutnyttjande för vätgasproduktion ger insikter i de potentiella avvägningarna och fördelarna för olika råvaror och påverkanskategorier. Studien ger viktig input för policy- och strategiutveckling mot en mer hållbar och kostnadseffektiv användning av lokala bioresurser för drivmedelsproduktion i Gävleborg. Denna studie kan också utgöra en värdefull referens för forskare, beslutsfattare och intressenter som är intresserade av hållbart utnyttjande av förnybara resurser för biobränsleproduktion, vilket bidrar till kunskapsutvecklingen inom detta kritiska område.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2023. , p. 70
Licentiate thesis ; 17
Keywords [en]
System analysis, local bioresources, transportation fuels, LCA, LCC, geography of transitions
Keywords [sv]
Systemanalys, Lokala resurser, drivmedel, LCA, LCC, geografi och om-ställning
National Category
Energy Systems
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-42517ISBN: 978-91-89593-12-1 (electronic)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-42517DiVA, id: diva2:1775519
2023-09-11, 99:131, University of Gävle, Gävle, 10:00 (English)
Available from: 2023-06-28 Created: 2023-06-27 Last updated: 2023-07-06Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Biogas as a transport fuel—a system analysis of value chain development in a Swedish context
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Biogas as a transport fuel—a system analysis of value chain development in a Swedish context
2021 (English)In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 13, no 8, article id 4560Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Biofuels policy instruments are important in the development and diffusion of biogas as a transport fuel in Sweden. Their effectiveness with links to geodemographic conditions has not been analysed systematically in studying biogas development in a less urbanised regions, with high potential and primitive gas infrastructure. One such region identified is Gävleborg in Sweden. By using value chain statistics, interviews with related actors, and studying biofuels policy instruments and implications for biogas development, it is found that the policy measures have not been as effective in the region as in the rest of Sweden due to different geodemographic characteristics of the region, which has resulted in impeded biogas development. In addition to factors found in previous studies, the less-developed biogas value chain in this region can be attributed particularly to undefined rules of the game, which is lack of consensus on trade-off of resources and services, unnecessary competition among several fuel alternatives, as well as the ambiguity of municipalities’ prioritization, and regional cultural differences. To strengthen the regional biogas sector, system actors need a strategy to eliminate blocking effects of identified local factors, and national policy instruments should provide mechanisms to process geographical conditions in regulatory, economic support, and market formation.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
MDPI, 2021
Biogas, Policy instruments, System analysis, Transport, Value chain
National Category
Environmental Engineering
Research subject
Sustainable Urban Development
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-35814 (URN)10.3390/su13084560 (DOI)000645367500001 ()2-s2.0-85105173915 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2021-05-17 Created: 2021-05-17 Last updated: 2023-06-27Bibliographically approved
2. Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of hydrogen production from biowaste and biomass in Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of hydrogen production from biowaste and biomass in Sweden
2023 (English)In: Energy Conversion and Management, ISSN 0196-8904, E-ISSN 1879-2227, Vol. 291, article id 117262Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this study, an environmental and economic assessment of hydrogen production from biowaste and biomass is performed from a life cycle perspective, with a high degree of primary life cycle inventory data on materials, energy, and investment flows. Using SimaPro LCA software and CML-IA, 2001 impact assessment method, ten environmental impact categories are analyzed for environmental analysis. Economic analysis includes capital and operational expenditures and monetization cost of life cycle environmental impacts. The hydrogen production from biowaste has a high climate impact, photochemical oxidant, and freshwater eutrophication than biomass while it performs far better in ozone depletion, terrestrial ecotoxicity, abiotic depletion-fossil, abiotic depletion, human toxicity, and freshwater ecotoxicity. The sensitivity analysis of LCA results indicates that feedstock to biogas/pyrolysis-oil yields ratio and the type of energy source for the reforming process can significantly influence the results, particularly climate change, abiotic depletion, and human toxicity. The life cycle cost (LCC) of 1 kg hydrogen production has been accounted as 0.45–2.76 € with biowaste and 0.54–3.31 € with biomass over the plant's lifetime of 20 years. From the environmental impacts of climate change, photochemical oxidant, and freshwater eutrophication hydrogen production from biomass is a better option than biowaste while from other included impact categories and LCC perspectives it’s biowaste. This research contributes to bioresources to hydrogen literature with some new findings that can be generalized in Europe and even globally as it is in line with and endorse existing theoretical and simulation software-based studies.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2023
Hydrogen, Biowaste, Biomass, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle cost, Fast pyrolysis, Anaerobic digestion
National Category
Energy Systems
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-42521 (URN)10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117262 (DOI)001024612500001 ()2-s2.0-85162099378 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-06-27 Created: 2023-06-27 Last updated: 2023-07-27Bibliographically approved
3. The geography of technological innovation systems - The case of forest-based biofuels in a Swedish region
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The geography of technological innovation systems - The case of forest-based biofuels in a Swedish region
2024 (English)In: Innovation and Green Development, E-ISSN 2949-7531, Vol. 3, no 2, article id 100122Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Geographical proximity exerts a substantial influence on structural evolution, developmental trajectory, and pace of sociotechnical system growth. This study explores this aspect within the context of the development of forest biomass-based biofuel technology, employing a Technological Innovation System (TIS) framework with the lens of geographical proximity utilization of system components. The research employed a combination of document analysis and interviews with key system stakeholders as data collection methods. The analysis reveals that the close geographical proximity of the system components and technologies, encompassing both technical aspects and sectors, did not result in synergetic effects, in contrast to prior TIS research findings. Rather than fostering collaboration, it has engendered a competitive dynamic, partially driven by actors vying for knowledge leads and funding from both regional and national agencies. Consequently, the potential benefits of geographical proximity of system components remain largely untapped. In light of these results, this study offers practical recommendations for exploiting untapped opportunities, advocating for more strategic use of geographical proximity to foster system technology development and enhance its role in national TIS development. This case study enriches sustainability transition literature by providing valuable insights into the role of geographical proximity in innovation processes.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2024
Geographical proximity, Innovation, Technological innovation system, RegionPolicy
National Category
Energy Systems
urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-42522 (URN)10.1016/j.igd.2023.100122 (DOI)2-s2.0-85181725106 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-06-27 Created: 2023-06-27 Last updated: 2024-01-15Bibliographically approved

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