The use of symptom management mobile apps can reduce patients' symptom burden during cancer treatment, but the evidence is lacking about their effect on care. Moreover, if patients' health literacy can be improved, it needs to be more rigorously tested. This study aimed to evaluate patients' perceptions of individualized care and health literacy using an interactive app in two randomized trials. Patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer (N = 149) and radiotherapy for prostate cancer (N = 150) were consecutively included and randomized into one intervention or control group. Outcome measures were Individualized Care Scale, Swedish Functional Health Literacy Scale, and Swedish Communicative and Critical Health Literacy Scale. In the breast cancer trial, no group differences were observed regarding individualized care or health literacy. Most patients had sufficient health literacy levels. In the prostate cancer trial, intervention group patients rated higher perceived individualized care regarding decision control at follow-up than the control group. Less than half had sufficient health literacy levels and intervention group patients significantly improved their ability to seek, understand, and communicate health information. Education level explained significant variance in health literacy in both trials. Using an interactive app can positively affect individualization in care and health literacy skills among patients treated for prostate cancer, although further research is warranted.