This master’s thesis was carried out at SuperMap.SuparMap is a Chinese company supplying the Geographic Information System (GIS)software and service. It is leading the way in GIS research. The product of SuperMapis called SuperMap GIS applied by lots of government agencies, schools, andorganizations. SuperMap actively gets involved in the market of Japan, Korea,Singapore, Vietnam, India, Kazakhstan, and South Africa. However, in 2008, it hasentered the Sweden market and tries to involve in the whole European market.In European market, the GIS technology is relatively mature and the most marketshares have been taken by ESRI the top GIS software company. SuperMap has toimprove the strategy to make the customers turn to it from the ESRI. According to the4Ps, 4Cs and Brand management theory, SuperMap adopt a series of measures onmarketing.In this article we will analyze those measures referring to the 4Ps, 4Cs and brandmanagement theory. At the end of our thesis, we summarized our suggestions basedon our thesis analyzing.