The aim of the study was to describe food habits among adolescents in the ninthgrade in a big community in the middle of Sweden and a small community in thesouth of Norrland. The aim was also to analyze differences in food habits betweenthe two communities and between girls and boys in the two schools. The studywas carried out in 2009 as an empirical quantitative study with a descriptive andcomparative design. It was 64 adolescents, 33 girls and 31 boys who participatedin the study. They were responding to a questionnaire that was distributed andcollected by the authors. The results of the study showed that over half of theresponded adolescents had breakfast every day and that barely half of the schooladolescents had school lunches every day. The adolescents from the smallercommunity had more often breakfast every day than the adolescents from thebigger community. The adolescents from the school in the bigger community hadlunch more days in the week than the adolescents from the school in the smallercommunity. There was no significant difference between boys and girls breakfasthabits but more girls than boys had school lunch every day.