Uppsatsen syftade till att 1) öka förståelsen varför kvinnor lämnat rollen som chef och 2) om det fanns skillnader mot män som lämnat rollen som chef. Resultaten visade att kvinnor i lämnade pga. "push"-orsaker, dvs. att man ej var nöjd, medan männen lämnade pga. "pull"-orsaker, positivt motiverande faktorer. Studien visade också att de kvinnor som stannade kvar i rollen som chef gjorde det pga. "pull"-orsaker. Arbetet baserades på en intervjustudie av 16 personer under våren 2010. Slutsatsen var att kvinnor oftare trycktes ut ur chefsrollen genom missnöje, medan männen drogs ut ur chefsrollen genom att lockas vidare.
The thesis was aimed to 1) increase the understanding of why women left the role as a manager and 2) if there was any differences between them and the men who left the role as a manager. The results showed that women left because of push-factors, that they weren’t satisfied, whereas men left because of pull-factors, positively motivating factors. The study also showed that women who stayed in the role as a manger did so because of pull-factors. The study was based on interviews of 16 persons during spring 2010. The conclusion was that women more often were pushed out of the manager role because of discontent, whereas men were pulled out because of attraction to something else.