The purpose of this study was to investigate international adoptees ethnic identity’s
developmental process in the context of social relationships. Another important focus
was to examine in what ways the adoptees reflect on their own ethnic identity. In this
research, it was to view what different factors were influencing the creation of their
ethnic identity, what issues are high-lighted and which are not. The method chosen
was from a qualitative approach. Through three semi-structured interviews and three
email interviews (whereas one participant was taking part in both of them), the
adoptees have shared their experiences of different life period. The results of the study
were presented through 6 different themes. The empirical data have been interpreted
through Jean Phinney´s model about ethnic identity, which is a model of three stages.
The results showed that the adoptees’ ethnic identity was basically following the stage
development and is also influenced by external factors. The interest and attitude
towards the ethnic identity was also examined.
International adoption, ethnic identity, social relationship, identity