For higher data rate and attractive price level internet service Very High Data rate Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2) is a perfect option. VDSL2 is a great achievement in Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology. It has a good impact in modern triple play (Voice, Data and Video) Internet service but for modern world applications required more data rate than the VDSL2 system can provide but it should be inexpensive and easy to install. So the desired goal of this thesis work is to achieve higher bitrates for VDSL2 system, by transmitting multiple VDSL2 signal using Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) channel instead of copper channel. POF channel is a suitable solution for high data rate application. Moreover POF is very rugged and suitable for high data rate application because of optical based transmission and it’s also very easy to implement into the interior networking. Moreover POF doesn’t have any impact of Electro Magnetic Interference because of optical transmission. So several VDSL2 signals are amplitude modulated to allocate specific frequency band and combined together which can be called as frequency division multiplexing and POF is used as channel to carry the combined signal which provide much higher bit rate than single signal and efficiently utilize the bandwidth of the channel. Then at the receiver end the combined signals are split and amplitude demodulate at the respective receiver to recover the expected frequency band for the receiver.