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En kunskapsöversikt om miljöns och bemötandets betydelse inom demensomvårdnad
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
2012 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
A literature overview of the environment and caring approach significance within dementia care (English)
Abstract [sv]



Syfte: Denna selektiva kunskapsöversikts syfte var att upptäcka vilken betydelse miljö och bemötande kan ha i omsorgen gällande personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: Kunskapsöversikten innehåller tio stycken forskningsdokument publicerade mellan år 2000-2011 som söktes i samlingsdatabasen EbscoDiscoveryService (EDS). Vid studerandet av de valda forskningsdokumenten utgicks det från två valda teman: bemötande och miljö. Materialet behandlades utifrån den hermeneutiska vetenskapsfilosofiska positionen. Resultatet tolkades sedan genom de valda teorierna, KASAM (Känsla av Sammanhang) och personcentrerad omvårdnadsteori. Resultat: Det visade sig att miljön kunde vara stödjande eller icke stödjande beroende på dess utformning. Det upptäcktes även att bemötande hade en omfattande betydelse inom demensomsorgen. Den demenssjukes förmågor kan antingen stimuleras eller hämmas beroende av personalens perspektiv, men även en strukturerad miljö kan vara god hjälp till att stimulera den demenssjukes förmågor. Konklusion: Resultatet visade att genom ett omvårdnadssätt där värdighet tydliggörs kan identitet, integritet och välbefinnande stärkas. 


Nyckelord: demens, omsorg, bemötande, miljö, äldreboende.

Abstract [en]



A literature overview of the environment and caring approach significance within dementia care


Aim: The aim of this literature overview was to study how differences within care of people with dementia could affect their wellbeing. Method: The literature review contains ten science based documents published between years 2000 and 2011, which were found in the database EbscoDiscoveryService (EDS). When studying the science based documents two themes were selected to focus on, environment and approach. The data from these documents were interpreted hermeneutically. Thereafter, the results were interpreted through the selected theories, SOC (Sense of Coherence) and person centred caring theory. Result: The findings show that differences existed in the care environment, such as supporting environment or non-supporting environment. Other findings were that different approaches in caring encounters did effect the communication within dementia care. The person with dementia could be stimulated or not stimulated depending of the staff’s perspective. A structured environment could also stimulate the abilities that the person with dementia possesses. Conclusion: The results show that a caring approach that highlights dignity can strengthen identity, integrity and wellbeing.


Keyword: dementia, care, approach in caring encounters, environment, elder care home. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2012. , p. 44
Keywords [sv]
demens, omsorg, bemötande, miljö, äldreboende
National Category
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-11624Archive number: SGSMKC-H11-50OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-11624DiVA, id: diva2:510600
Subject / course
Educational program
Social work
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Available from: 2012-04-04 Created: 2012-03-16 Last updated: 2012-04-04Bibliographically approved

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