This study departs from questions arisen in previous interview studies of health experiences with people with musculoskeletal disorders. During data collection about health experiences in this group a common comment to the question –“How do you experience your health”? was –“Well, but”… This awoke our interest to further explore this topic. Thus the aim of present study was to investigate lay perspectives on health among people with musculoskeletal disorders. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 68 women and men with long term (>3 months) musculoskeletal disorders in neck, shoulder and/or low back. All informants were recruited as participants in previous studies on health experiences among people with MSDs (Wiitavaara et al., 2007a, b, 2008, 2009). The informants (39 women and 29 men), were 18-64 years old and most of them were occupationally active in a variety of different occupations. Analysis was performed using qualitative content analysis (Graneheim & Lundman, 2003). The lay perspective on health in this group of people with musculoskeletal problems was perceived as “Having resources and possibilities to lead the life one want”. This theme incorporated three main categories as the informants perceived health to include “A good enough physical and psychological functioning and balance”; “Freedom of action”; and “A positive state of emotion and an enriching social life”. The informants expressed a holistic view of health, encompassing physical, psychological, emotional, as well as social aspects, which can be interpreted from an action theoretical perspective (Nordenfelt, 2007).