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Sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till att vårda personer med HIV
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
2012 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

Introduktion: Humant Immunbrist Virus (HIV) är en obotlig sjukdom som smittat omkring 34 miljoner personer världen över och sjukdomen konfronteras därför kontinuerligt inom sjukvården. Syfte: Att identifiera och sammanställa sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till att vårda personer med HIV samt bakomliggande faktorer till dessa attityder. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design. De inkluderade artiklarna (n=17) har funnits via databaserna CINAHL och MEDLINE. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till att vårda personer med HIV påverkades av olika faktorer. Sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter som hade mer positiv attityd till att vårda personer med HIV var yngre, singel, hade inga barn, hade tidigare erfarenheter av att vårda personer med HIV, närstående/anhöriga med HIV, utökad utbildning om sjukdomen samt bodde i länder där det var större förekomst av sjukdomen och därmed oftare stötte på personer med HIV i vården. De som var äldre, gifta, hade barn, mindre utbildning, bodde i länder där HIV var ovanligt och inte stötte på dessa personer ofta, hade mer negativ attityd till att vårda dessa personer. Slutsats: Den generella orsaken till sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters negativa attityder till att vårda personer med HIV grundar sig i okunskap. Därför är mer information och kunskap om HIV, smittvägar och hur personer med HIV upplever sin sjukdom nödvändig.

Abstract [en]

Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an incurable disease that has been contracted by approximately 34 million people worldwide and thus presents a quotidian challenge to healthcare. Aim: To identify and compile nurses’ and nursing students’ attitudes towards caring for people with HIV and the factors underlying these attitudes. Method: Literature study with a descriptive design. The articles included (n = 17) have been obtained from the databases CINAHL and MEDLINE. Results: Attitudes held by nurses and nursing students towards caring for people with HIV were affected by various factors. Those who had a more positive attitude towards caring for these people were younger, single, had no children, better educated about HIV, had previous experience of caring for people with HIV, had relatives/family members with HIV and lived in countries where there was a greater incidence of HIV - and thus often encountered caring for people with the disease. Those found to have unfavorable, negative attitudes were older, married, had children, less educated and lived in countries with less exposure to HIV and therefore didn’t encounter caring for these people on a regular basis. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge on the part of nurses and nursing students has been established as the principal factor contributing to their negative attitudes towards caring for HIV sufferers. Therefore, increased information and understanding regarding HIV, its transmission routes and how people with HIV perceive their disease is of paramount importance.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2012. , p. 45
Keywords [en]
HIV, attitudes, factors, nurses, nursing students
Keywords [sv]
HIV, attityder, faktorer, sjuksköterskor, sjuksköterskestudenter
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-13461Archive number: SSKVk10- 11OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-13461DiVA, id: diva2:572468
Subject / course
Nursing science
Educational program
Available from: 2012-11-28 Created: 2012-11-27 Last updated: 2012-11-28Bibliographically approved

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