Solar energy as renewable energy has got more and more attention by world market. There areenormous potential on solar thermal energy for domestic and commercial utilization. A localpony club in Gävle wants to make a solar water heating system to newly-build-stable for horsesshower. The prupose for this paper is trying to find out ways of fullfil the demands of the ponyclub’s need for hot tap water anuually. Certain modifications will be developed after compareseveral types of the developments in constructional aspects, environmental aspects, andeconomocal aspescts. With the support of polysun® simulation software by Vela Solaris AG,Switzerland, this paper will develop four types (flat-plate solar collector at fixed tilt, evacuatedtube collector at fixed tilt, flat-plate collector with a tracking device, and evacuated tube collectorwith a tracking device) of solar thermal energy systems and simulate one year period. All thecomponents in this design correspond to reality products. Calculations methods base on heattransfer and fluid dynamics, main means, to determine the system’s combination. The results aimat two components, which are the system outcome and financial performance. Discussions aimat system performance, financial performance, and environmental friendly aspects for the fourdesigns. Improvements made by analyze the results of simulation. The best designed model is theflat-plat collector with a tracking device added. This design beats the other three designs in all thefacts that have managed taken in to consideration. Conclusion considered to be satisfied afterverify and compare the performance with SP Sweden.