The purpose of this study is to analyze if the Grameen Banks Microfinance program
has a positive or negative impact of the women in the rural Bangladesh. With our field study
we want to get our own insight into the how Grameen Banks organization works. Furthermore
we want to meet and see with our own eyes a number of borrowers to hear their version of
about Microfinance and its impact on their lives. Main research question is
: Does
Microfinance have a positive or negative impact of the women in rural Bangladesh?
Our sub
questions are:
How does microcredit work in the practice? How does the Grameen Bank
finance the Microfinance system? And how can the borrowers repay the loans without falling
into a vicious spiral where the economic situation deteriorates? Is Microfinance a way of
developing the society in a long term way? Is Microfinance a community development
solution for the reduction of society's poverty that generates the development of welfare?
We have chosen to use the qualitative method when we collected data. The
collection have taken place mainly through personal interviews and general group interviews,
but also through own observations.
Result & Conclusions:
From our research we have seen that the MF impact on the women is
more positive than negative. This study shows that Grameen Bank MF program gives poor
women in rural Bangladesh opportunities that they don’t otherwise have. GB MF program
gives women chance to gain a more secure life, a social network, a change in life, with hope
for a better life.
Suggestions for future research:
To investigate on one part of Microfinance. For example
the interest rate and how that affects the women or impact on women’s empowerment with
help of MF, or struggling members and how they benefit from MF programs.
Contribution of the thesis:
We did a practical study too see and get our own experience of
Microfinance in real life. Contributions from our study are that the society in Sweden can be
enlightened and educated that Microfinance can be a critical element of an effective poverty
reduction strategy especially for developing countries. The services provided by Microfinance
institutions can enable the poor to build their assets gradually, develop their microenterprises,
enhance their income earning capacity, and enjoy an improved quality of life. To inform
society in Sweden that Microfinance contributes to poverty reduction in Bangladesh, we hope
that society wants to learn even more and have active discussion regarding Microfinance
institutions. Following information collected from our
study has revealed that Microfinance
have changed the life of poor people in a positive way.
Key words:
Grameen Bank, microfinance, impact, rural women in Bangladesh.
2011. , p. 86