In order to introduce the environment of the University of Gävle to the new students, an efficient way is needed. Among many different methods of helping new students get familiar with university, a Digital Education Game could be a good option. The aim of this research is to test if new students can learn more about University of Gävle when they are learning through a Digital Education Game. This research was mainly based on five methods. Before creating the game, a theoretical framework was built in the beginning, and then interviews and surveys were performed to get useful information. Next, a Digital Education Game was created through the platform e-Adventure. Finally, evaluations of this game were performed. The findings of this research were that according to the result of evaluating surveys, after players played this game, they were able to provide more correct answers than before. The conclusion could be drawn from this research was that new students could learn more about University of Gävle by playing a Digital Education Game.