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Stora bostadsfastigheter i glesbygd: En studie av rättsfall och praxis
University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
2013 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

För att främja landsbygdens utveckling och till följd av förändringar i markpolitiken tilläts genom lag bildandet av stora bostadsfastigheter på landsbygden 1990. Detta skulle ske genom att öka den enskildes möjlighet att utforma sin fastighet efter egna önskemål. Glesbygd, som är landsbygd karaktäriserad av gles befolkning, är mer utsatt för de problem som landsbygden står inför. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns eller borde finnas en skillnad mellan lands- och glesbygden vid fastighetsbildning av stora bostadsfastigheter. Studien utförs genom en genomgång av rättskällor, tolkning av rättsfall och analys av Lantmäteriets praxis. Resultaten visar att flera rättsliga faktorer, nämligen skyddszon, extensivt nyttjande, skogsmark, jordbruksmark och fastighetens belägenhet i glesbygd påverkar tillåtligheten av att bilda stora bostadsfastigheter. Vidare visas att inga avsevärda skillnader mellan lands- och glesbygd i Lantmäteriets praxis finns. Därutöver så tyder tolkningen av rättsfall på att domstolarna inte alltid beaktar markpolitikens främjande av glesbygden. Det starkaste motstående intresset för bildandet av stora bostadsfastigheter ligger i skyddet av skogsnäringen, som även till stor del sammanfaller geografiskt med glesbygden. Resultaten tyder på att nuvarande rättsläge och markpolitik inte tillräckligt beaktar glesbygdens regionalpolitiska intressen, i form av främjande av boende och sysselsättning.

Abstract [en]

In order to promote rural development and due to land use policy changes, the formation of large residential properties in rural areas was permitted by law in 1990. This was to be made possible by increasing the opportunities for the individual to shape their real property according to their own requests. Sparsely populated areas, which are rural areas characterized by sparse population, are more prone to problems considered in rural development policies. The purpose of the study is to research if there is or should be a difference between rural and sparsely populated areas in formation of large residential properties. The study is performed through a review of legal sources, interpretation of judicial proceedings, and analysis of the property formation practice of Lantmäteriet. Presented results show that there are several judicial factors that affect the allowance to form large properties for residential purpose. The factors are protective zone, extensive use, forest land, agricultural land and real property location in sparsely populated areas. Further on, no substantial differences exist between rural and sparsely populated areas in the practices of Lantmäteriet. Moreover, the interpretation of judicial proceedings suggests that the courts do not always take into account the land use policies promotion of sparsely populated areas. The most inflexible opposing interest towards the creation of large residential properties resides in the protection of forestry land use, which also largely geographically coincides with sparsely populated areas. The findings suggest that current legal position and land policies do not sufficiently address the regional policy interests of sparsely populated areas.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2013. , p. vi+51+bilaga
Keywords [en]
Residential properties, sparsely populated areas, land use policy, property formation, rural development policies
Keywords [sv]
Bostadsfastighet, glesbygd, markpolitik, fastighetsbildning, landsbygdspolitik
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-14888OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-14888DiVA, id: diva2:636716
External cooperation
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2013-07-14 Created: 2013-07-11 Last updated: 2013-07-14Bibliographically approved

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Haraldson, ElisDanielsson, Johan
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