This article presents a research study of bullying in Swedish private Boarding schools with focus on a child perspective. It analyses even the Education of the Swedish Power Elites starting point from Bourdieu s’ sociological research and from the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This study is based on the analysis of cases of bullying in three private boarding schools in Sweden during 2011-2012. This contribution analyses in which way the child perspective is presented in description of bullying and practices against bullying produced by different actors
This contribution is based on analysis of texts produced by Swedish Education authorities, Polices authorities, Boarding schools staff, parents, pupils and media.
Expected Outcomes
This contribution shows how bullying practices in Swedish boarding elite’s schools are legitimized in terms on traditions and socialization patters for leadership in the Swedish Society. It argues on policies and practices against bullying that pay attention to a child perspective. Even though this analysis focuses on the Swedish experience, it can lead to a better understanding of the need to pay attention on a child perspective in the analysis on policies and practices against bullying in other European educational contexts.