The Delivery Organization Windows Development at Sandvik IT GSS is today responsible for managing over 100 different systems internally and globally, some acquired but most proprietary. The systems have Life Cycle and dependencies of other applications, techniques etc. and Service Level Agreement (SLA) with customers. The details for these systems are now scattered in a variety of locations such as web pages, spreadsheets, word documents, Notes databases and by knowledge of the employees. Today they are unable to get a clear view of the systems; the applications and techniques depend, how long life cycle each have etc. The project consist of creating a database model by gathering information needed, analyze it and develop an information model and if time allows develop a simple application to visualize the concept. With this work, the information will be gathered in one place and the employees will easier get a clear view of the systems and their dependencies, offer a higher level of service and will be more effective in their work.
Keywords: System Information Model, Systems Design, Information Model, Database Model, Business Analysis, Application Management.