I have examined or tutored some 500 bachelor theses and some 100 master theses at several Swedish universities. Over the past 20 years Swedish secondary school graduates has become less and less apt in mathematics, Mullis, I.V.S. et al. (2009). Due to this development university students mostly chose to make qualitative studies, irrespective if this is the best choice to study the research question on not. Most of them don’t even make good qualitative studies.To help them get good qualitative use of their empirical material I have developed the following method. It is suitable for studies based on interviews, focus groups and observations. It is suitable both for deductive and abductive research, well grounded theory, and critical studies. As the dataset grows, the method becomes cumbersome, which I don not consider is a big problem, as big qualitative datasets would preferably be analyzed by non-parametric statistics, rather than the iterative interpreting qualitative method I suggest here.