Hög arbetsbelastning i socialt arbete med ungdomar: en kvalitativ intervjustudie
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialarbetare i myndighetsutövning upplever sin arbetssituation och sin arbetsmiljö i socialt arbete med ungdomar. Undersökningsmetoden har bestått av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra socialarbetare från två olika socialtjänster. Resultaten visade på tydliga krav inom arbetsrollen (såsom att följa rådande lagstiftning och hålla utredningstider) och att knappa resurser gjorde kraven svårhanterliga. Andra faktorer som gjorde kraven svårhanterliga var felaktig struktur inom organisationen samt en konflikt gällande krav mellan politiker, ledning och socialarbetarna. Gemenskapen upplevdes vara väldigt viktig då kollegorna och chefen sågs som resurser, vilket bidrog till att arbetssituationen blev mer hanterbar. En god relation mellan anställd och chef ledde till att den anställda stannade kvar i arbetet. Meningsfullheten i arbetet ansågs vara mycket viktig, eftersom denna gjorde att de stannade kvar i arbetet trots motgångar och svåra perioder. Inom ramen för socialarbetarnas upplevda arbetssituation fanns det en tydlig relation mellan meningsfullheten, gemenskapen och kraven i arbetet samt tankar om framtiden gällande arbetet; så länge arbetet kändes meningsfullt och kraven hanterbara och det fanns en god relation till kollegor och ledning så kände inte socialarbetarna att de hade skäl nog att lämna sitt arbete.
Nyckelord: Socialarbetare inom socialtjänsten, arbetssituation, krav, meningsfullhet, gemenskap, upplevd arbetssituation.
Abstract [en]
The aim of this study has been to examine how social workers in social services perceive their work situation in social work with youngsters. The methodology was a qualitative case study consisting of interviews with four social workers from two different social services. The results showed that their work situation consisted of high demands (such as to comply current legislation and to keep the current investigation times) and that few resources made the demands harder to manage. Other factors that made the demands harder to manage were an inadequate structure within the organization and a conflict with the requirements betweenpoliticians, management and social service workers. The communion was perceived to be very important and the colleagues and the manager were seen as resources, which contributed to the work situation becoming more manageable. A good relationship between the employee and the manager led the employees to stay at work. Meaningfulness at work was considered to be very important, and so they stayed at work despite adversity and difficult times. Finally, within the framework of the social workers’ perceived job situation, meaningfulness, the community and the requirements associated with their thoughts on the future. As long as the work felt meaningful and there was a good relationship with the manager and their colleagues, they could deal with the high level of requirements at work.
Keywords: Social workers in social services, work situation, requirements, meaningfulness, community, perceived work situation.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 42
Keywords [sv]
Socialarbetare inom socialtjänsten, arbetssituation, krav, meningsfullhet, gemenskap, upplevd arbetssituation
National Category
Social Sciences Sociology
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-16212Archive number: SGSMK-2013-19OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-16212DiVA, id: diva2:691451
Subject / course
Educational program
Social work
2014-02-202014-01-272014-02-20Bibliographically approved