The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. A sound association is found between customer satisfaction and the quality of service provided by the companies. In business world customers are the source of profit and revenue for the service organizations and improvements in service quality leads to customer loyalty. The study investigates the effect of quality on satisfaction by focusing on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and how quality can be improved in the service firms.
Qualitative research method is used to conduct this study. The selection of primary studies is done by conducting interviews in a bank as professional service industry. The research findings are analysed by qualitative data analyses techniques to build analyses and draw conclusions.
Findings reveal that quality of service does effect the customer satisfaction up to some certain level as both concepts are distinct and the relationship found between them is casual. Also the quality of service has significant contribution towards customer satisfaction because it is affected by various factors such as human interaction, physical environment, value, price, performance etc. To improve performance system companies should focus more on introducing employee oriented policies by establishing a service culture followed by a strong strategy in place and by removing gaps between management – employees and its customers. It is found that through proper planning and constant monitoring firms can develop effective strategies to improve quality levels and to retain their existing & future customers.