Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 credits / 60 HE credits
Cross-cultural management in international construction projects: Case study of
China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc.
Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration
Yuan Liu, You Li
Aihie Osarenkhoe
Maria Fregidon-Malama
This study presents the characteristic and current status of the international
construction projects, and figure out which barriers caused by cross-cultural
differences the multinational corporations and enterprise would face, as well as the
solutions for these barriers.
This study was carried out by using a qualitative and quantitative research
method. We gathered relevant information by conducting questionnaire to Chinese
employees working in Congo, Rep and interviews which include four managers of
China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc (CMICGI). By comparing the
literature review and finding, we find barriers caused by cross cultural differences and
relevant solutions.
Result & Conclusions
Through the literature review associating with the analysis of
the questionnaire and interview, we find out that there are nine barriers in the project,
the reason why they appeared and how them influence the projects. We also find
solutions to solve the barriers.
Suggestions for future research:
This study restricted to geographical and time, it
only included one company and one country. More cases can be concluded in future
Contributions for the study:
The study results show how barrier case of
cross-cultural different impact in international construction project. We also
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contribute the evaluation for each barrier. Cultural differences between multinational
trading are frequently neglected by firms but have a significant impact. Our research
can help more companies to find some problems which they usually ignored.
Cross-cultural management, Barriers, Cross-cultural difference,
International construction projects, Identification, Evaluation
2014. , p. 82