En kvalitativ undersökning av professionella socialarbetares konstruktioner av kvinnomisshandel
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
A qualitative study of professional social workers constructions of domestic violence (English)
Abstract [sv]
Syftet med undersökningen var att utifrån beskrivningar från professionella socialarbetare, som arbetat med kvinnor som varit utsatta för mäns partnervåld, analysera vilka konstruktioner dessa professionella socialarbetare hade av den här klientgruppens situation. Frågeställningen var vilka konstruktioner ett urval av professionella socialarbetare, som arbetat med kvinnor som varit utsatta för mäns partnervåld, hade. Frågeställningen var fokuserad på följande teman: kvinnans livsvärld, förhållandet till mannen, våldet i relationen och faktorer för att stanna kvar i- respektive faktorer för att lämna förhållandet. Metoden var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Fem professionella socialarbetare från olika kvinnojourer och socialtjänster intervjuades. Resultaten analyserades utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv samt med stöd från tidigare forskning. Undersökningens viktigaste resultat och slutsats var att de professionella socialarbetarnas konstruktion av den misshandlade kvinnans situation var att hela kvinnans livsvärld påverkades negativt av mannens misshandel. Kvinnan var ambivalent i sitt förhållningssätt till mannen och hon levde hela tiden på hoppet om att mannen skulle förändra sig. Kvinnan upplevde inte våldet som något normalt och hon gjorde alltid på något sätt motstånd mot våldet.
Abstract [en]
The aim of this study was to analyze the social constructions social workers formed as result of working with women who had been victims of male partner violence. The social constructions analyzed came from the social workers descriptions of the client group’s situation. The question addressed was what social constructions a selection of social workers had that had worked with women who experienced violent abuse from men that they lived in a relationship with. The question was focused on the following themes: the women´s life conditions, the relationship to the man, the violence in the relationship, and what the factors affected whether the woman stayed or left the abusive relationship. The method used was semi-structured qualitative interviews. Five professional social workers from different shelters and social services institutions were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed from a social constructionist perspective with support from earlier research in the area. The most important finding from the study, and conclusion, was that the social constructions the professional social workers made from working with the abused woman was that the entire life situation of the abused women was negatively affected by the abuse from the man. The abused women were ambivalent in their approach to the abusive man, and they lived on the hope that the abusive man would change his abusive ways. The women did not experience the violence as something normal and they always resisted the violence in some way.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 45
Keywords [en]
Violence in close relationships, violence against women, normalization process, traumatic bond and social constructionism.
Keywords [sv]
Våld i nära relation, kvinnomisshandel, normaliseringsprocessen, traumatiska band, socialkonstruktionism.
National Category
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-17606Archive number: SGSOK-2014-25OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hig-17606DiVA, id: diva2:749717
Subject / course
Social work
Educational program
Social work
2014-09-302014-09-252014-09-30Bibliographically approved