Energy simulation in building sector was an important issue which can eliminate energy use and improve energy efficiency. The building, which is located at Ringvägen 18 in Ljusdal community in Sweden, was chosen to be the main mission of this research and it was one of eleven objects which were involved in EKG project. First step was to create the model and simulate it to reach heating value of 117 MWh which was reached by EKG project. After getting validation value, many renovations were implemented and the heating value was reduced by 58.7% and the heating demand by 55.2%. Improving of energy use through prefabrication gave reduction of heating value of 70.4% and heating demand of 65.8%
The LCC part was important issue because it gave clear vision and judgment about the economic and investment issue. The acceptability of the investment decision was decided by 198 answers which were responsible to judge if the investments were good or not. There were 22 types of different renovation and every type included 9 cases which depended on interesting rate and energy price factors. The result was 198 answers which were divided to 100 answers as “YES” for good investment and 98 answers as “NO” for good investment.