Servicekvalité och kultur: skillnaden mellan svenska studenter & kinesiska utbytesstudenter inom servicenäringen
2015 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Sustainable development
The essay/thesis is partially on sustainable development according to the University's criteria
Abstract [sv]
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera skillnader i hur servicekvalitén inom servicenäringen i Sverige uppfattas av svenska studenter och kinesiska utbytesstudenter.
Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ metod med hjälp av enkäter med slutna svarsalternativ och ordinalskala, som distribuerades till totalt 324 svenska studenter och kinesiska utbytesstudenter. Vidare användes dataprogrammet IMB SPSS för att utföra faktoranalyser och klusteranalyser. Resultaten användes sedan för att testa de använda teorierna.
Resultat: Genom att analysera de resultat som deducerats från insamlad data har studien bidragit med ytterligare data inom kulturområdet och servicenäringen. Studiens teoretiska referensram har stärkt de slutsatser som gjorts, men har även visat sig vara vag i vissa sammanhang. Studien har visat vissa intressanta skillnader i hur kinesiska utbytesstudenter och svenska studenter uppfattar servicekvalitén inom servicenäringen.
Förslag till fortsatta studier: Studiens resultat skulle kunna bidra till förslag till fortsatta studier inom servicenäringsområdet och servicekvalité. Resultaten pekar även på att fortsatt forskning behövs inom studiens valda ämnesområde.
Studiens bidrag: Studien genererar både praktiska och teoretiska bidrag som diskuterats. Studien lyfter framförallt fram brister i servicekvalitén inom den svenska servicenäringen för praktiker och teoretiker.
Abstract [en]
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze differences in how service quality in the service sector in Sweden is perceived by Swedish students and Chinese exchange students.
Method: In the study a quantitative method was used. For the study questionnaires was used with closed end answers which were distributed to 324 Swedish students and Chinese exchange students. The software program, IMB SPSS was used to complete factor- and cluster analysis. The results were then used to further strengthen or question the theory.
Result: By analyzing the results deduced from the collected data, the study has contributed with additional data in the cultural field and the service industry. The study's theoretical framework has reinforced the conclusions that have been made, but has also proven to be vague in some contexts. The study has revealed some interesting differences in how Chinese exchange students and Swedish students perceive the quality of service in the service sector.
Proposal for further studies: The study's results could contribute to proposals for further studies in the field of service industry and service quality. The results also indicate that further research is needed in the study selected topics.
Contribution: The study generates both practical and theoretical contributions which have been discussed. The study highlights primarily produced gaps in service quality in the Swedish service industry for practitioners and theoreticians.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 98
Keywords [en]
SERVQUAL, service quality, service industry, Hofstede, culture
Keywords [sv]
SERVQUAL, servicekvalité, servicenäring, Hofstede, kultur
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19533Archive number: FE1: 69/2015OAI:, id: diva2:818926
Subject / course
Business administration
Educational program
Business administration
2015-06-232015-06-092016-01-05Bibliographically approved