Heat losses are an important problem in domestic hot water circulation systems. Therefore, toreduce these losses becomes an issue of utmost importance both economically andenvironmentally. Nevertheless, it has not been until recent years when these losses have beenstudied further. Commonly studies have focused on the heat space system operation or radiatorsystem. This study focuses on heat losses in the domestic hot water circulation through thepiping system in a building at a school located in Gävle (Sweden) using non-destructive flowand temperature reading devices. The heat used by the school is provided by the district heatingnetwork that feeds several heat exchangers. The heat losses, at the same time, will be comparedwith simulation and theoretical procedures to corroborate them. The domestic hot water pipingsystem of this study consists on more than 1200 meters of insulated copper pipes with differentdiameters and different insulation thickness. The system was measured for one week (April 26,2015 to May 3, 2015) when there are working days and nonworking days. A 5% of the annualdistrict heating consumption in the school was calculated as heat losses in the domestic hotwater circulation system in the building studied. Finally, improvements in insulation system andchanges in the domestic hot water temperature have been simulated and they demonstrate thatsavings of up to 35% of the heat losses can be achieved and produce significant energy savings.