The main idea presented herein is to use a multiscale texture synthesis approach in order to both colourize and upscale greyscale textures. Such textures can be vintage photos to be used in archaeological or urban 3D visualizations and obviously the colour needs to be reconstructed some way. Due to limited quality, walls etc in such 3D visualizations will appear either pixelized or blurry when the viewer approaches them on a close distance. The latter if some kind of interpolation technique is being used to reduce the pixelization. The low resolution greyscale texture and a high resolution coloured texture is used for the colourization and upscaling, which will produce a colour version of the greyscale texture with 4 times higher resolution in each upscale step. The novel idea is to use multiscale texture synthesis in HSV space for the first upscale in order to create a RGB colour image for subsequent upscaling, using either ordinary RGB multiscale texture synthesis or continue using HSV multiscale texture synthesis. These two main approaches will be compared and discussed.