Lean production originates from the Toyota production system (TPS) and is commonly known as today's Lean. Lean Production consists of a multitude of concepts, values, principles and methods with the main purpose to continuously improve operations and productions. These concepts are known to improve long-term profitability.
The purpose was to investigate Swedish industries and their relation to internal Lean strategies and how well implemented these are in different types of industries. These are categorised as Other, Process- Manufacturing and engineering industry. In this study, the main focus is on analyzing dimensions of internal Lean production in industrial types. These dimensions are Pull System (PULL), Continuous Flow (FLOW), Time Reduction (SETUP), Statistical Process Control (SPC), Employee Involvement (EMP.INVOLV) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). These internal Lean dimensions derive from an empirical study by Shah & Ward (2007), with the aim to produce a deeper knowledge of the definition of Internal Lean production.
The study is based on empirical evidence and the data analysis is established from a previous data collection of the European manufacturing Survey (EMS) for Sweden in 2019, previously developed by Von Haartman, Niss & Bengtsson (2020). The used data is descriptive statistics and is limited to Swedish industries. In this study, the analysis will focus on 24 Lean questions and 6 internal Lean dimensions have been investigated and analyzed.
It is concluded, based on results and analysis, that two Lean perspectives are the basis for businesses to achieve Lean in production. In order to succeed in implementing Lean production, it is important that these perspectives interact with each other. By implementing practical methods, tools and at the same time allowing employees to be involved in the work, quality and efficiency are increased. This contributes to businesses creating improvements in production-related functions in production.
To a large extent the Swedish industries have a Low or Medium use of internal Lean dimensions. TPM is found to be the most commonly implemented dimension for most individual industry types while the dimensions SPC and EMP.INVOLV has the lowest implementation. For individual industry types, there is no major variance in how they answered the implementation of dimensions. All dimensions have a correlation without significant differences for all types of industries. It is found, implementation of dimension PULL differ from each type of industry and Engineering industry have implemented internal Lean dimensions to a higher extent.