Sustainability and environmental communication have increasingly become an important part of marketing, profiling and brand building at companies. It becomes a paradox when companies communicate sustainability while being profitable in today's consumer society. Recently, ”Uppdrag Granskning” released a documentary showing that the clothing giant H&M routinely burned newly manufactured clothes. The aim is to investigate how messages in the form of text and visual communication are used to convince and influence in Hennes & Mauritz's external environmental communication on the company's website. The questions raised are as follows:
1. What rhetorical messages are prominent?
2. What are these?
3. What visual arguments are applied?
4. How does the company profile itself as sustainable in environmental matters?
In order to answer the essay's question, a qualitative critical rhetorical analysis and the visual rhetorical analysis have been applied to my material.
The texts uses opposite conditions. Consumption and production are two opposites that must be met and combined in the argumentation. How fashion and clothing affect our climate and our environment negatively can be solved by recycling and not throw clothes into the garbage. The
sender, H&M, has thus defined the problem early, when excluding production from the argument. Recycling of clothing becomes the only (true) option for sustainability. The text "Hållbart Mode" thesis establish early in the text "we want" that becomes "we do" to "you can" then "we together" and end with "you want" as a last call to the receiver. The roles are reversed and replaced. Messages are enhanced by style characters that are a way to explain, clarify and highlight. Style figures can also be used to make the audience look at the phenomenon from a certain angle. The use of the metaphors "give your clothes new life" contrasts with the term "dumpster", which represents a bigger problem then the thing in itself, when the figure synekdoke are used. "Definitionstopiker" are used when "sustainable" and "sustainable sources" constitute keywords that are omitted and reflect on the recipient's interpretation through the concept's positive associations and arguments can be legitimized without further explanation. The price represents causality between the market and the environment, shows the contradictions that the fashion industry faces today. The implicit message is that price and sustainability can be combined. H&M offers the best of both worlds.
The visual analysis of the image serves as a complement to the text. The models wear jeans, the most resourceful garment with pride. As a positive effect of doing right, to recycle and reuse. The visual analysis of the film is based on the doxa prevailing in society. The message speaks to our feelings of responsibility and freedom.
The company profiles through ethos argumentation to legitimize itself as a conscious company towards its interests. By categorizing the competitors and even distancing themselves from the categorization "fashion industry" - the company points to its size as an advantage. The sender wants to appear rational and knowledgeable in the matter, benevolent by enlightening and contributing, as well as virtuous as moral is in focus, thereby fulfilling the criterion of a good speaker. The fact that most arguments are based on the sender's ethos may be the result of a reputation lost.