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  • 1.
    Andersson, Johanna
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Skoglöf, Simone
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Ta vara på tecknen: En semiotisk analys över IKEAs marknads- och varumärkeskommunikation2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur IKEA framställer mänskliga- och sociala relationer i sin marknadsföring. Samt, genom analysen, undersöka hur IKEA skapar bilden av företaget, varumärket, reklambudskapet och deras image genom att framställa vissa mänskliga relationer. Enda sedan den första IKEA-katalogen utgavs åt 1951 har katalogen varit den viktigaste marknadsföringskanalen för företaget. Därför har vi valt att undersöka just katalogen från år 2016 med hjälp av en semiotisk analys. Även tre reklamfilmer med titlarna Laga mat med barn, Leva utan dörr och Grannar tillsammans kommer analyseras med hjälp av semiotik som metod och teori. Vi har endast fokuserat på bilderna och ej på texter som framkommer i reklamen.


    I och med uppsatsens syfte har vi valt att utgå ifrån följande frågeställning:

    • Hur framställs mänskliga relationer i IKEA-katalogen från 2016?
    • Kan vi urskilja stereotyper i de sociala sammanhangen?
    • Vilka konnotationer respektive denotationer går att urskilja och vilka semiotiska myter skapas?


    Resultatet av studien påvisar hur IKEA som, enligt eget uttalande, ett värderingstyrt företag arbetar med marknadsföring genom att exponera det kulturella värdet ”gemenskap”. De fokuserar inte främst på varornas priser utan ger oss istället idéer om hur vi på bästa sätt kan få en effektiv vardag genom att köpa deras produkter. Deras varor öppnar upp för att vi som konsumenter ska kunna hitta den gemenskap IKEA presenterar.

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  • 2.
    Andersson, Linn
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Utter, Evelina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Det är roligt att ta selfies: En kvantitativ studie om Facebook-användares användande av selfies2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna uppsats ville vi ur ett användarperspektiv se hur selfien används. Syftet blev därmed att undersöka hur Facebook-användare definierar och använder selfies. Vi ville även se om det finns några likheter och/eller skillnader mellan ålder, kön och utbildning. Utöver det var vi intresserade att undersöka om respondenterna upplever att deras användande av selfies har inflytande av exempelvis influencers, nyhetsmedier och reklam – som vi i denna uppsatsen kallar för “sociala faktorer”.

    Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ metod och samlade in det empiriska materialet via en enkätundersökning. Studien formades utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna ”Den medialiserade verkligheten” av Nick Couldry och Andreas Hepp, ”användarmodellen”/uses and gratifications theory, Madeleine Klebergs ”genusperspektiv på medieforskning”, rapporterna ”Svenskarna och internet 2018” av Internetstiftelsen, ”Duckface/stoneface” av Michael Forsman, Pierre Bordieus begrepp ”habitus” och annan tidigare forskning inom ämnet.

    Vi konstruerade en enkätundersökning som publicerades på Facebook, vilken genererade 250 stycken svar via ett snöbollsurval.

    Resultatet av undersökningen visade att användandet av selfies skiljde sig mest mellan de olika könsidentiteterna, medan det var förhållandevis jämnt mellan de olika åldersgrupperna och utbildningarna. Av de som använde selfies mest stod den kvinnliga könsidentiteten, samt åldersgrupperna 15-20 och 40-45 ut en del. Det visade även att många, oavsett ålder, kön eller utbildning, brukar le på selfies. Den kvinnliga könsidentiteten publicerade och redigerade selfies i lite större utsträckning än den manliga, medan det överlag var jämnt mellan både ålder och utbildning gällande publicering. De yngre åldersgrupperna och grundskole- och gymnasieutbildning redigerade sina selfies lite oftare. Instagram var den mest populära sociala plattformen totalt sett. Majoriteten av respondenterna upplevde sig inte påverkas av de “sociala faktorerna”. 

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  • 3.
    Asplund, Andreas
    et al.
    University of Gävle.
    Laine, Linda
    University of Gävle.
    Liljeroth, Veronica
    University of Gävle.
    Att läsa och lära på distans!: vilka möjligheter ger den nya tekniken?2000Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna skrift är ett delresultat av det IT-projekt vid Högskolan i Gävle (HiG), som arbetat med IT och distansutbildning. Projektet har varit verksamt under 1997-2000 och finansierats av KK-stiftelsen, Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborg, EU (Sociala fonden) samt av HiG. Projektets syfte har varit att, via Internet, driva utvecklingen av distansutbildning framåt. Internetbaserade lösningar för förmedling av digital information öppnar ständigt nya möjligheter för både distansstudenten och den lärare som undervisar på distans. Huvudmålet har varit att tillgängliggöra de nya verktygen för genomförande och distribution av distansundervisning. Vi har haft som delmål att sprida erfarenheter och reflektioner gjorda i projektet. I denna skrift har vi samlat tankar och idéer från lärare och andra engagerade i projektet. Skriften är ett sätt för oss att nå ut till dig som på något sätt kommer, eller har kommit, i kontakt med distansundervisning i någon form. Vi vill på detta sätt dela med oss av vårt arbete.

    Vår förhoppning är att inspirera Dig, som av olika skäl inte har möjlighet att studera på traditionellt sätt, att studera på distans, och till Dig som undervisar på högskola eller universitet hoppas vi kunna vara en källa till att väcka nya idéer för skapande av en mer flexibel undervisning.

    Vi har varit många personer som deltagit i projektet på ett eller annat sätt. Många erfarenheter har gjorts och ofta har det legat mycket vilja, iver och entusiasm bakom våra resultat. Utan hänförda projektdeltagare hade inte denna skrift blivit av överhuvudtaget. Jag vill härmed rikta ett stort TACK till alla Er som arbetet i projektet under den här tiden!

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  • 4.
    Brodin, Elin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Herrlin Viklund, William
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Marlboro-mannen då, influensers idag: En kvantitativ undersökning gällande 16–17 åringars exponering av nikotinsnus via Sociala Medier i Gävle stad2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    According to a survey conducted by Novus Group International 2020, 37% of youngpeople stated that appealing tastes were a reason to try nicotine pouches. In the samesurvey, a third also stated that a contributing factor to them choosing to test the productsis because they appear in film, television and social media. In a survey conducted byExpressen, a journalist interviewed three popular influencers regarding their associationwith the companies, but the journalist received no answers.We essay writers find the nicotine pouches misleading in their advertising, or at leastnot explicitly clear about the consequences. Nicotine pouches is sold as a complementto an active lifestyle. Although, warning messages about how nicotine is addictive areclarified, none of the other ten common health risks are mentioned, which include:increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, decreased appetite… etc. Of course, totaltransparency can not be expected, but information on health risks should be clarified.The most common is to just mention the addictive effect and neglect the others. Weessay writers therefore became concerned about whether minors aged 16–17 areexposed and interact with these advertisements on social media. As nicotine is anaddictive substance, we authors want to gain an insight into how well-informed youngpeople are about its consequences and how large the exposure to these advertisementslooks among the age group. The thesis intends to create a basis for future studies with alarger proportion of respondents in a wider age range.The exposure rate regarding nicotine pouch advertising via social media among the agegroup 16-17 years in Gävle was higher than we essay writers had previouslyanticipated. However, it should be added that this thesis intends to provide a basis for alarger survey with more respondents in the future and that the results may varydepending on which class in the age group the survey was conducted on. Suchconclusions based on whether one can see a connection in all 16-17 year olds in thetown of Gävle can not be established. What can be seen, however, is that there is amarketing strategy, at least among this study's target group, to expose minors toadvertising nicotine pouches via social media. 78.57% of all female respondents said tohave been exposed by one or several different advertisements, while among the malerespondents, 93.33% were exposed to one or severel different advertisements.

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  • 5.
    Bäckström, Åsa
    Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för barn- och ungdomsvetenskap.
    Aesthetic learning processes – feelings and sensations of skate- and snowboarding2008In: Designs for learning: Defining the field, 2008Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Skateboarding and snowboarding are practices loaded with symbolic expressions. They are also activities profoundly understood as physical. This paper will investigate the narrated impressions of these activities – in other words the expressions of impressions. Skateboarding and snowboarding are discussed as aesthetic learning processes, which to a large extent are both bodily and informal. The paper builds on ethnographic fieldwork and cultural analysis. Kirsten Drotner’s theory of aesthetic practices is used as a starting point. Aesthetic practices/production works on three levels: the individual, the social and the cultural. The individual level is characterised in terms of emotional intensity and corporality. The sensation is described as so encompassing that it becomes ones life, ones identity. The body is acutely present in these descriptions. It is the body that experiences, and it is there that the sensation of riding comes alive.

  • 6.
    Cananau, Iulian
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    Thalén, PederUniversity of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Religious studies.
    Populism, Democracy, and the Humanities: Interdisciplinary Explorations and Critical Enquiries2022Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this volume, twelve Sweden-based researchers reflect on the phenomenon and concept of populism in relation to democracy and the humanities from the multiple vantage points of various disciplinary backgrounds: philosophy, history of ideas, media and communication, journalism, political science, gender studies, organization science, education theory, popular culture, and literary studies. While the study of populism has attracted a lot of attention in political science, this topic has been rarely explored by scholars in the humanities. Rather than contribute to the already established area of populism studies in social and political sciences, our authors take a more open and exploratory stance through which they attempt to open up new fields and directions for inquiry from an interdisciplinary humanistic perspective.

  • 7.
    Dahlin, Henny
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Hansson, Kristoffer
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Varumärkesorientering inom Gävle kommun2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Företag och offentliga organisationer måste marknadsföra sig. En affär måste locka kunder, ett företag investerare och en kommun turister, företag och fler invånare. I dagens samhälle blir det allt viktigare att prioritera varumärkesorientering för att kunna upprätthålla sitt attraktionsvärde.

    Denna studie kommer att inrikta sig mot Gävle kommun och undersöka hur de arbetar med varumärkesorientering och hur de använder de begrepp och metoder som finns inom ämnet.


    De frågeställningar som ställts är direkta och konkreta, och de ställs upp här nedan:


    • Vad är ett varumärke enligt Gävle kommun?                    
    • Hur etablerar Gävle kommun ett nytt/nya varumärken?
    • Hur använder sig Gävle kommun av Storytelling, kärnvärden och varumärkesorientering?
    • Vilken kompetens finns inom Gävle kommun gällande etableringen av ett nytt varumärke?      


    Gällande metod användes ett strategiskt urval för att därefter kombinera detta med kvalitativ metod och ett kvalitativt perspektiv, för att tillsammans kunna ge bästa möjliga skildringen av hur det fungerar inom en organisation. Eftersom vår studie och undersökning främst grundar sig på intervjuer var valet enkelt. Att intervjua de personer som arbetar inom både Gävle kommun och ämnet som studien behandlar. Resultatet blev inte som vi hade förväntat oss. De begrepp och metoder som vi fokuserar på inom ämnet marknadsföring och varumärkesorientering är idag inte lika väletablerade inom alla offentliga organisationer och företag. Det märks ganska tydligt att det för Gävle kommun är begrepp och arbetssätt som har blivit bortprioriterade men att kommunen i år, 2012, är redo att prioritera dem igen.

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    Varumärkesorientering inom Gävle kommun
  • 8.
    Engblom, Dennis
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Larsson, Marcela
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Professionaliseringen av kommunikatörsyrket: En kvantitativ undersökning av informatör/kommunikatörsyrket i Gävleborgs län2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 9.
    Engkvist, Sanna
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Leiva, Amanda
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Kommunikativa praktiker i det digitala hälsolandskapet: En kvalitativ studie om Min Doktor och 11772023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of the study is partly to investigate how Min Doktor and 1177 communicate via their web pages and applications, and partly how the user experiences the communication. To achieve the purpose of the study, a sociosemiotic multimodal analysis will be applied to investigate how semiotic resources create meaning for the user. Three focus groups of different ages will also be interviewed to gain knowledge about the user's experience of communication. The theoretical starting points for the investigation are digitization, digital health communication and sociosemiotics. Through a sociosemiotic perspective investigates how the actors create a communicative relationship with the user and what is presented as most relevant on their web pages and applications. These communicative practices can then be reflected in what strategic choices in health communication the actors use. 


    The survey shows that there is a great awareness among users of how the actors communicate. For example, attention was paid to contrasts, images and appeals and what that in turn mean for the user. One of the most interesting factors that emerged in the study is that the same communication strategies are often used by the actors. This applies both when it comes to drawing attention to something special and how they create a relationship with the user. However, the purpose behind these differs. Min Doktor uses different communication strategies to get people to use their services, while 1177 works with the same type of strategies but to promote health. The user's perception of the actors' communicative practices has often been consistent. Yet the results show that there can also be differences in how messages are interpreted in relation to the actors' intentions.

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  • 10.
    Fahlén, Linda Mari
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Jämställd text: En genuskritisk textanalys av fem texter från Region Gävleborgs hemsida2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här genuskritiska textanalysen undersöks fem texter från Region Gävleborgs hemsida. Detta görs mot bakgrund av att man inom Region Gävleborg arbetat med att jämställdhetsintegrera verksamheten. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att se om det informationsmaterial som skrivits eller spridits efter att jämställdhetsarbetet ägt rum riktar sig på ett likvärdigt sätt till kvinnor och män samt inkluderar olika familjekonstellationer. Ett delsyfte är också att se om texter som skrivits med utgångspunkt i en jämställdhetsintegrerad verksamhet blir jämställda. Resultatet visar att textmaterialet stundtals vidarebefordrar en stereotyp uppfattning kring ett manligt och ett kvinnligt föräldraskap, där det kvinnliga föräldraskapet framställs som det primära i både text och bild. Vidare tenderar män att osynliggöras i diskursen och en tvåsamhet förväntas i koppling till föräldraskapet. Detta blir synligt dels i språkets könsmarkerade och köns(o)markerade konstruktioner, dels i textens presuppositioner och drag. När det kommer till köns(o)markerade konstruktioner visar analysen att direkt tilltal är problematiskt i relation till jämställd text, då tilltalet tenderar att skapa snäva mottagargrupper med exkludering och normering som följd.

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  • 11.
    Florin, Matilda
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Mediernas påverkan på den yrkesverksamma mediepubliken: En kvalitativ studie om nyhetsrapportering kring rättsfall.2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to investigated how the media can influence the working professionals media audience about legal cases. Based on this study, also discuss whether the media can influence a verdict.

    The study is conducted using a qualitative method and the material has been collected through a questionnaire with open questions to capture the respondents unique experiences and a qualitative semi-structured interview has been made. In the survey, 27 people between the ages of 18 and 70 responded, where they shared their experiences about what they think about the media's power to spread legal cases and how it affects the perception of the professional media audience. Six people in different professions were then interviewed to get a picture of how they perceive the media's influence on the professional media audience. In the study, both modern research and theories were included in the theoretical framework and the theories are based on: The ideal victim, Framing, Agenda-setting theory, The two-step hypothesis, Diffusiontheory and Cultivation theory, as well as research on crime journalism and the media audience.

    The experience has been thematized and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results show that the media influence the professional media audience in relation to legal cases, but that it influences differently from respondent to respondent. The result also shows which advantages and disadvantages the media audience perceives to exist, as well as the media's power to influence verdicts.

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  • 12.
    Forsberg, Madelene
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Fröken Snusk - nutida samhällsdebatt eller komersiell produkt: En transmedial innehållsanalys av Fröken Snusk som artist och varumärke2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här uppsatsen är en transmedial innehållsanalys av artisten och varumärket Fröken Snusk. Uppsatsen undersöker Fröken Snusks musik och hur hennes närvaro och interaktioner på sociala medier förstärker varumärket. Musiken ligger inom genren EPA-dunk. Uppsatsen ifrågasätter om Fröken Snusk enbart är en kommersiell produkt eller om det finns djupare samhällskritiska budskap i hennes verk.

    Studien analyserar hur EPA-kulturen, som traditionellt är mansdominerad, erbjuder en öppning för ett feministiskt perspektiv genom Fröken Snusk som kvinnlig artist. Självironi och sexualiserade inslag är framträdande element både inom musiken och kulturen. Uppsatsen visar också hur dessa inslag används i kombination med feministiska teorier.

    Fröken Snusk engagerar sina fans aktivt via sociala medier och hennes liveframträdanden är viktiga för hennes artistidentitet. I dagens digitala samhälle ser vi Fröken Snusk som ett försök till att få människor att interagera i verkligeten. 

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  • 13.
    Fresk, Maja
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Intern kommunikation för organisationens framgång: En fallstudie av kommunikationsproblem i ett mindre företag2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Problem – The internal communication are identified as very important for the organization’s survival and overall performance, but there are many companies that do not take their communication issues seriously. In smaller companies the internal communication is important because the close relationship with coworkers and the entrepreneur. There are limited studies focused only on internal communication within small companies.

    Purpose – This paper investigates communication problems existing in smaller companies and makes suggestions for improvements to overcome these problems.

    Method– This paper is based on a single case study. Through asking structured questions and a carried out observation the empirical evidence were collected. In order to support the findings a literature study has been conducted.

    Findings – The case company provided indications about an inadequate internal communication influences the whole organization and can be the bottom reason for multiple problems experienced within the organization.

    Conclusion – The study identifies different kinds of communication problems existing within the case company and contributes to finding solutions for the identified problems. The study also highlights the importance of communication for the organization and the consequences of a fallible internal communication. 

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  • 14.
    Hasselgren, Jennie
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Peters, Mathilda
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Nya tidens följa John: En kvantitativ studie om motiven till varför kvinnor följer influencers på Instagram2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In a new media landscape, social media have become a new way of interacting for internet users. It has also given birth to new professions and new empowerments.

    One of the new existing players in the modified field of media is influencers. 

    Influencers affect people in a variety of ways, for instance in commerce and opinions. They do this on different platforms and with different tools of persuasion. International researchers have been studying general media use on social media, influencing marketing and what motivates the choices of social media users. They have also investigated the motives when it comes to why users choose to follow influencers. The Swedish research field in this area isn’t as satisfying as the international research, though. Swedish researchers have been studying influencers from an influencer point of view. This study’s vision is, therefore, to broaden the influencer research, with a user perspective. The theoretical framework uses and gratifications is a common way to investigate users, and their motivations to make certain choices, using media. A survey was conducted and sent to grown up females. The survey focused on what motivated them to follow influencers on Instagram, and whether they had been influenced by the influencers in any way.

    The result of the study gave us different insights. A factor analysis showed that there were four different motivations for following influencers, and that the strongest motive was entertainment. The entertainment motive also contained the most highly valued item which was the motive to be amused.

    The factor analysis also found the motives; socialization, social status and new trends.

    The study also showed that there weren’t any strong correlations between the four motives and the users’ history in being affected by the influencer.

    However, there was a correlation between the affected-variable and the two items following new trends and to keep updated about new products.

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  • 15.
    Jernberg, Anna
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Hallquist, Annica
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    När rykten blir nyheter: Lokalpressen och Flashback Forum2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Titel: När rykten blir nyheter – Lokalpressen och Flashback Forum

    Författare: Anna Jernberg, Annica Hallquist

    Handledare: Anna Edin


    Uppsatsen behandlar relationen mellan Flashback Forum och Gävles lokaltidningar Gefle Dagblad och Arbetarbladet. Om hur nära de jobbar varandra, medborgarjournalisternas betydelse, vem som sätter agendan och hur tidningarna jobbar med de etiska spelreglerna. I viss mån även ryktesspridning.

    Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera om och i så fall hur medborgarjournalistiken bidrar till morgondagens nyheter via Flashback Forum.

    De metoder vi har använt oss av för att nå vår slutats är komparativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den komparativa analysen för att se i hur många fall lokalpressen använder sig av Flashback och hur våra informanter i intervjuer säger sig arbeta med detta forum.

    Materialet kommer från intervjuer med journalister, Arbetarbladet (AB) och Gefle Dagblads (GD) nätupplagor samt tråden på Flashback Forum Mord på kvinna, Gävle 20/9-14 som handlar om mordet på Stora Esplanadgatan. Avgränsningsperioden var från 2014-09-20 till 2014-10-20.

    Vårt svar på undersökningen är: de kriminalfall du läser om på Flashback idag kanske du får läsa om i morgondagens tidning.


    Nyckelord: Flashback Forum, agenda setting, medie- och pressetik, ryktesspridning, medborgarjournalistik, Arbetarbladet, Gefle Dagblad.

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    När rykten blir nyheter.pdf
  • 16.
    Jäderholm, Maria
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Lövgren, Emelia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Från träningstips till skönhetsingrepp: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av budskapen på tre kvinnomagasins omslag2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In previous research in this field of study, the messages from the female magazines have often been aimed at bodily changes in the woman. The opinions that exist about what a woman should look like and what kind of body corrections are accepted in society is of different character. Likewise, opinions differ on the impact from the media in this context. Our survey is based on a constructivist approach where we believe that the media creates a need for the reader to want to change their looks as well as it encourages to consume.


    In our survey, we used a quantitative content analysis where we analyzed 93 covers of Amelia, Tara and M-magasin – lifestyle magazines aimed at women of different ages. The theories that we decided to use are gender and female representation, consumer culture and constructivism. With the selected theories we have analyzed the result which has shown that there is a difference between how the magazines form their messages. Something that is common between the three analyzed magazines is that they use a famous model with several messages on the covers. What differs most between the different magazines is how often they send messages about body corrections to the reader.

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  • 17.
    Kaseste, Malin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Levén, Alice
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    ”Bra jobbat working mama!”: En studie i hur genus, föräldraskap och karriär reproduceras och konstrueras på Instagram2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Instagram was founded in 2010 and is now one of the most popular social media platforms with over 800 million users worldwide; Instagram users are publishing over 95 million posts every day thereby influencing the daily lives of each other, as the media contributes to users navigating in the world as well as taking part in the constructing of our reality. Our qualitative approach depart from critical discourse analysis, according to which the world gets its meaning from the language and the language helps to construct reality through social practices. In this study we have analysed the topic of gender roles by looking at how Instagram is helping to constructing and changing images of gender roles, careers and parenthood. Our main task in this study is to analyse two Instagram entrepreneurs who are constructing and changing gender roles regarding career and parenting; Isabella Löwengrip (@isabellalowengrip) and Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) are our two selected Instagram entrepreneurs. We have conducted a qualitative multimodal text analysis of these two accounts and comments from followers between 1 - 31 March 2018 and the results show that these two account both produce and reproduce gender roles. Brathen and Löwengrip have both created social media platforms and businesses and are still contributing to the reproduction of gender roles, but both are also producing new roles through their choice of words and pictures on their social media platform. Both accounts portray a typical female behaviour as where they are smiling and giving the followers a chance to study them without demanding their attention. However, Brathen is more stereotypical with a very “motherly” approach while Löwengrip has more of a businesslike professional in her approach to her Instagram account which could be seen as a more masculine role. The followers take part in reproducing a female role when they ask questions about Brathen and Löwengrip ́s choice as mothers and career women, but they are also creating a new way of looking at a working mum when they, like men, are helping and cheering each other to success.

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  • 18.
    Kjetselberg, Tilda
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Norin, Jennie
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Jeffrey Dahmer: sexuellt objekt eller monster på TikTok?: En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av fankulturen kring Jeffrey Dahmer på TikTok2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study focuses on the fan culture surrounding the TV series Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story on TikTok. It aims to investigate how TikTok videos romanticize and sexualize the actor Evan Peters, who plays Jeffrey Dahmer in the series. The study analyzes the representation of the character in TikTok videos and explores whether these Dahmer-TikToks contribute to the romanticization of serial killers in general. The research includes a multimodal discourse analysis of visual material from TikTok and a survey to gather TikTok users' attitudes and perceptions. The survey findings indicate that the majority of respondents have encountered the type of Dahmer-TikToks investigated, and a significant percentage interpret them as romanticizing or sexualizing. The study suggests that the socio-cultural tradition of how people view serial killers may be changing due to the distribution of romanticized and sexualized Dahmer-TikToks. The analysis aligns with the survey results, supporting the premise of the thesis. The TV series and its respective TikTok trend have also spawned a fan culture; users create, share, and engage with romantic videos of Dahmer. Overall, the study highlights the presence of videos with sexual, romantic, or objectifying elements related to Dahmer on TikTok and indicates a potential shift in societal discourse regarding serial killers.

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  • 19.
    Leonidas, Bernade
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Black Lives matter: En semiotisk analys av bilden av svarta barn i UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar:s reklamkampanjfilmer. En undersökning av hur UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar:s reklamkampanjfilm uppfattas av människor med olika etnisk bakgrund.2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study is to examine the image of black children in UNICEF’s and SOS Children’s Villages campaign films. And as well to find out how UNICEF’s and SOS Children’s Villages campaign films received by differnt people in Sweden and, in which way these advertising films could influence these people.



    A semiotics analysis of moving images have been done in this paper, in a way to examine how black children have been portrayed in those advertising films. And also a structured interview have been done in this paper to investigate the attitude that people in Sweden have towards those moving images that show on those advertising films.

    The Materials that used for this investigation are, two advertising films with moving images and an interview with a focus group composed of seven people from different ethnics background.



    The results have shown that those moving images using on those advertising films portrayed black children as animals, as barbarians, as aggressive. And the results of the focus group interview have shown that non-white people living in Sweden are angry because those campaigns films using black children in a way that show them as non-human. While white people living in Sweden in the group are angry because not only that these organizations using these children to their own benefits, but they also think that because of these organizations, they will be constantly reminded and seen as racists. 

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  • 20.
    Lindgren Ödén, Birgit
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för religionsvetenskap.
    Ämnesutveckling genom samverkan?2006In: Nya mål?: religionsdidaktik i en tid av förändring / [ed] Birgit Lindgren Ödén och Peder Thalén, Uppsala: Swedish Science Press , 2006, p. 117-124Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 21.
    Nordlöv, Daniel
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Jakten på det perfekta intranätet: En intervjustudie i användandet av intranätet i ett statligt bolag2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 180 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 22.
    Nur, Awo
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Lilla Chicago: Bilden av Andersberg, Gävles komplexa stadsdel2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats undersöker hur medierapporteringen bidrar till bilden av stadsdelen Andersberg i Gävle. Genom en innehållsanalys av nyhetsartiklar från olika tidningar identifieras frekvent förekommande ord som ”brott”, ”segregation” och ” misshandel” i rapporteringen om Andersberg. Dessa termer används ofta i samband med områdets beskrivning, vilket förstärker en negativ bild och bidrar till stigmatiseringen. Vidare analyseras hur invånarnas egna perspektiv sällan lyfts fram, vilket kan resultera i en förenklad och missvisande representation av området. Med utgångspunkt i teorier om framing och priming granskas hur nyhetsmedier påverkar allmänhetens bild av Andersberg och dess invånare. Uppsatsen föreslår också att framtida forskning bör fokusera på mediernas långsiktiga effekter på stigmatiserade områden och hur en mer nyanserad rapportering kan bidra till att förändra denna bild. 


    Metod:  Studien använde innehållsanalys av nyhetsartiklar från olika svenska tidningar, med fokus på användningen av centrala termer såsom "brott", "knivattack", "misshandel", "segregation", "sårbar", "låg inkomst" och "lågutbildningsnivå". Målet var att avslöja mönster i hur dessa termer används för att beskriva Andersberg och liknande stadsdelar. Dessutom genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med invånare i Andersberg för att samla in förstahandsuppfattningar om hur medierapporteringen stämmer överens med eller avviker från deras erfarenheter av området.


    Resultat: innehållsanalysen visade att medierapporter ofta kopplar Andersberg till negative beskrivningar, särskilt med fokus på brott och sociala problem. Termer som ”brott” och ”misshandel” förekom frekvent, medan ”segregation” och ” låg inkomst” användes för att rama in området som socialt och ekonomisk utsatt. Intervjuer med invånare belyste en kontrast mellan mediers framställning och deras egna upplevelse, där vissa uttryckte frustration över den snedvridna representationen, medan andra erkände verkliga problem men ansåg att mediebevakningen överdrev situationen.


    Slutsats: Resultaten tyder på att medierapportering spelar en betydande roll i att forma allmänhetens uppfattning om Andersberg. Användningen av specifika termer och inramningstekniker bidrar till en berättelse som betonar brott och sociala problem, vilket leder till stigmatisering av området. Denna studie belyser behovet av mer nyanserad och balanserad rapportering för att ge en heltäckande bild av stadsdelar som Andersberg. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på hur förändringar i medierepresentation påverkar den sociala och ekonomiska utvecklingen av dessa områden, samt hur mediebevakning påverkar politiska beslut och samhällsengagemang.


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  • 23.
    Olsson, Evelina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Ytliga låtsasvänner och reklampelare i ett: En kvalitativ studie om följares uppfattning om influencers och deras samarbeten2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this essay is to study how influencers and their publication of collaborations on social media are perceived by the followers. To answer the research questions, I have used a qualitative survey method, by conducting six individual interviews with women in the age between 22–27. The study is written based on the theory of The Two-Step Hypothesis, Muliti-step Flow of Communication, Word of Mouth and The Parasocial Interaction Theory. I have also used previous research on Consumer Society and Identity, Celebrities as Opinion Leaders, The User Experiences with Advertising, Visual Meaning on the Internet and New ideals of femininity and entrepreneurship. The result of this study shows that followers and influencers have an superficial relationship, and a relationship that the followers wants to be inspired by the content. When the inspiration no longer exists or ends, the followers unfollow the influencer. The study also shows that followers has critical distancing opinions regarding influencer marketing, because it creates increased consumption. Despite the negative experience of collaborations, the followers find collaborations on social media more trustworthy than traditional advertising.

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    Låtsasvänner och reklampelare i ett - En kvalitativ studie om följares uppfattning om influencers och deras samarbeten
  • 24.
    Persson Hallström, Josefin
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    "Influencers: Framtidens marknadsföringsverktyg": En kvantitativ undersökning om fenomenet Influencer Marketing2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet till den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur konsumenters allmänna inställning till influencer marketing ser ut och om Instagram-användare köper produkter som rekommenderas av influencers. Studien har gjorts genom en kvantitativ anonym enkätundersökning på internet.

    Studien är gjord utifrån Elihu Katz och Paul Lazarsfelds studie om tvåstegshypotesen, samt kommunikationsformen word-of-mouth. Jag har även valt att göra min studie utifrån forskning om traditionell reklam. Resultatet av den här studien visar att konsumenter generellt har en neutral inställning till influencer marketing. Den visar också att Instagram-användarna köper produkter som rekommenderas av influencers, men det är fortfarande rekommendationer från vänner, det vill säga word-of-mouth som har övertaget.

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  • 25.
    Pihlajainen, Juhani
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Fors-Jadin, Victor
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Ett glas vin med omtanke: Systembolagets kamp i den svenska alkoholkulturen2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Systembolagets external communication is something a lot of people in Sweden have to deal with. The mission is unique because of their monopoly of the retail sales of alcoholic beverages in Sweden and a mission to sell alcohol with responsibility and without profit. The purpose of this essay is to elucidate how they previously worked in Operation Vin 1960, and how they work 2018 with the movie “Tack för din omtanke”, to shed light about their external communication. This case study is a content analysis with focus on rhetoric and strategical communication with emphasis on health and culture.

                          Systembolaget and the government have a long history of campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption. Raised taxes and low accessibility have been part to the alcohol politics by the government. Systembolaget have besides this, been focused on information campaigns to keep the Swedish alcohol consumption low. They have lead information campaigns from the start of the company to inform the Swedish population of the risks of alcohol. Through an analysis of the first and the last infomercials did it reveal that culture was an important part of the alcohol culture in Sweden and how Systembolaget has used communication in order to shed light on this matter. Systembolaget use a commercial kind of element to strengthen their brand and by that, the infomercials could be read as commercials.

                          The analysis revealed that the problem Systembolaget had, was different 2018 compared to 1960. The mission had not changed, however. Branding communication and the maintaining of a high reputation was central, compared to Operation vin, which dealt with the problem of high consumption of hard liquor within the population.

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  • 26.
    Rekestad, Emil
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    Danielsson, Hilda
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Media and communication studies.
    ”För dina medmänniskor, för vårt samhälle och för Sverige”: En retorisk analys av statsministerns tal till nationen under Covid-192020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study analyses Stefan Löfven’s speech ’Tal till nationen’ which was broadcasted on March 22 2020 9.15pm because of the Covid-19 pandemic and its caused crisis. The study is based on a rhetorical situation analysis and a rhetorical analysis of the transcribed version of the speech. The purpose of the study is to analyse the rhetorical tools Stefan Löfven has used in his speech to the nation. The study analyses mainly how Löfven uses the three rhetorical pisteis, ethos, pathos and logos, and how the four essential components, correctness, clearness, appropriateness and ornament, takes form in the speech. In addition, the analysis covers how Löfven adapts his speech to the rhetorical situation and doxa. The results show that rhetorical concepts can be found consistently throughout the speech and the three pisteis are particularly noticeable in the argumentation. Finally, the speech have clear signs of adapting the language and argumentation to the rhetorical situation and doxa.

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  • 27.
    Sandberg, Johannes
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Hur media framställer entreprenörskap: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av dagstidningar i Gävleborg2016Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden need entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who develop, challenge and keep Sweden's prosperity continued high with new products and innovations. But how does society promote the entrepreneurial driving force? This studie focuses on how local media as part of the society portray entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Local media represented by the two largest newspappers in the region of Gävleborg have through a quantitative content analysis studied for three years.

    Theories as agenda setting and the framing theory are used in this studie in order to answer for the way the media influence the public opinion. The purpose of the essay is to answer how entrepreneurship is produced and how local media reflects the regional entrepreneurship, as well as how the production might influence the entrepreneurial climate in a medium-sized Swedish town called Gävle.

    The results show that entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship often associated with, and in a legal context. That the politics in recent years influence entrepreneurs in a negative way, and companies in the region showing negative results.

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  • 28.
    Sewon, Isak
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Kan jag lita på det här?: En undersökning om spridning av falsk information i sociala medier.2023Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Today's media landscape is larger and more diverse than ever before. Individuals are fedwith news and information from many different types of media. When competition ishigh, media actors need to stand out to be noticed, sometimes to the extent that the truthis omitted or embellished. The purpose of this essay is to examine the consequences ofthe spread of false information on social media. The material of the essay consists of 25Swedish videoclips from YouTube and is intended to investigate how well the videoportals (headlines & thumbnails) correspond to the actual content of the videos. Themethod used in the essay is a quantitative coding of these videoclips and a multimodalanalysis from a selection of these coded video clips. To fulfill the purpose of the essay,theories and concepts such as misinformation and disinformation, filter bubbles, andselective exposure theory are used. The results of the study showed that many videoportals do not correspond at all to the content that the clip possesses. They oftenexaggerate or add details that make the video clip stand out more or appear moreinteresting for the audience to engage with. The consequences of false information spreadon social media can be many. For example, it can contribute to somewhat distortedworldviews. If individuals in a society are fed with incorrect information, it becomes moredifficult to get a fair picture of the world. It can also become normalized that thingswritten on social media are often not true, which leads to it becoming commonplace tobuy into small lies and not trust the information and news consumed online.

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  • 29.
    Sjöö, Sarah
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Men inte till vilket pris som helst!: En kritisk retorikanalys av Hennes & Mauritz externa miljökommunikation2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Sustainability and environmental communication have increasingly become an important part of marketing, profiling and brand building at companies. It becomes a paradox when companies communicate sustainability while being profitable in today's consumer society. Recently, ”Uppdrag Granskning” released a documentary showing that the clothing giant H&M routinely burned newly manufactured clothes. The aim is to investigate how messages in the form of text and visual communication are used to convince and influence in Hennes & Mauritz's external environmental communication on the company's website. The questions raised are as follows: 

    1. What rhetorical messages are prominent? 

    2. What are these? 

    3. What visual arguments are applied? 

    4. How does the company profile itself as sustainable in environmental matters? 

    In order to answer the essay's question, a qualitative critical rhetorical analysis and the visual rhetorical analysis have been applied to my material. 

    The texts uses opposite conditions. Consumption and production are two opposites that must be met and combined in the argumentation. How fashion and clothing affect our climate and our environment negatively can be solved by recycling and not throw clothes into the garbage. The 

    sender, H&M, has thus defined the problem early, when excluding production from the argument. Recycling of clothing becomes the only (true) option for sustainability. The text "Hållbart Mode" thesis establish early in the text "we want" that becomes "we do" to "you can" then "we together" and end with "you want" as a last call to the receiver. The roles are reversed and replaced. Messages are enhanced by style characters that are a way to explain, clarify and highlight. Style figures can also be used to make the audience look at the phenomenon from a certain angle. The use of the metaphors "give your clothes new life" contrasts with the term "dumpster", which represents a bigger problem then the thing in itself, when the figure synekdoke are used. "Definitionstopiker" are used when "sustainable" and "sustainable sources" constitute keywords that are omitted and reflect on the recipient's interpretation through the concept's positive associations and arguments can be legitimized without further explanation. The price represents causality between the market and the environment, shows the contradictions that the fashion industry faces today. The implicit message is that price and sustainability can be combined. H&M offers the best of both worlds. 

    The visual analysis of the image serves as a complement to the text. The models wear jeans, the most resourceful garment with pride. As a positive effect of doing right, to recycle and reuse. The visual analysis of the film is based on the doxa prevailing in society. The message speaks to our feelings of responsibility and freedom. 

    The company profiles through ethos argumentation to legitimize itself as a conscious company towards its interests. By categorizing the competitors and even distancing themselves from the categorization "fashion industry" - the company points to its size as an advantage. The sender wants to appear rational and knowledgeable in the matter, benevolent by enlightening and contributing, as well as virtuous as moral is in focus, thereby fulfilling the criterion of a good speaker. The fact that most arguments are based on the sender's ethos may be the result of a reputation lost.

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    Men inte till vilket pris som helst!
  • 30.
    Winberg, Maja
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Zetterberg, Karolina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    "Keep my wife's name out your mouth!": En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Will Smiths kriskommunikation efter misshandeln på komikern Chris Rock2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    During the 2022 Oscarsgala, the popular moviestar Will Smith found himself thrown into the media spotlight after walking onto the stage during comedian Chris Rock’s dialog and slapped him in the face. The incident led to massive criticism against Smith and was regarded as a scandal for both him and his career. Following the scandal, Smith addressed the incident and apologized to both Rock and his family but also his own family and colleagues. 

    The purpose of this study is to analyze Smith's crisis communication and determine whether he incorporates any defense strategies to repair his image and avoid being cancelled. The study is based on a rhetorical theoretical framework, incorporating theories of crisis communication, apologia strategies, image repair theory, as well as the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos. These theories are implemented through a qualitative content analysis with a rhetorical perspective.

    Results were formulated through predefined qualitative inquiries applied to the material. Selected words and sentence structures were transcribed for analysis. The conclusion revealed that Will Smith implemented numerous strategies from apologia and image repair, with the most prominent strategy being issuing an apology. Results also indicate that Smith meets many criteria for an idealistic apologia. Additionally, he attempted to build up trust with the recipients through the rhetorical appeals, primarily ethos and pathos.

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  • 31.
    Yngve, Frida
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    De ska inte tro att de är något: En kvalitativ undersökning av föreställningar och förväntningar gällande internkommunikation.2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are any beliefs or expectations regarding internal communication among employers and future employees from Generation Y, and study how these two groups either match or clash with each other. The study is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with nine informants, six of Generation Y and three employers. This study is based on the age definition that describes the Generation Y as a generation born between 1982-2002 (Howe and Strauss, 2010).

    The theoretical perspectives the study uses are the theory of Generation Y and David McClelland's need theory. These theories were used for the analysis of why the different groups had the ideas and expectations they had and what their motives with these expectations could be.

    The study shows that both future workers from Generation Y and employers hold beliefs and expectations of internal communication – they differ, however. The two groups have thoughts about what areas can lead to clashes between the generations but they do not agree on where collisions will occur or how they can be avoided. The survey shows that both employers and future employees in Generation Y are strong-willed and bears on the notion of the others to adapt.

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